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发布时间:2018-08-14 15:37
[Abstract]:Individual income tax is a direct tax on the taxable income from natural persons. The Individual Income Tax Law of China was born in 1980 and has undergone several important amendments. At present, the Individual Income Tax has played a great role in increasing financial income and promoting the stable development of economy and society, but it has played a great role in regulating social income. This is because the individual income tax system in our country is levied on the basis of the individual as the taxpayer. The choice of the levying unit does not take into account the difference of the family's economic burden, and does not take into account the taxpayer's ability to pay taxes, thus deviating from the adjustment of individual income tax. Based on China's basic national conditions and foreign experience, this paper puts forward some thoughts and Prospects on the choice of individual income tax payers in China. Then the author compares the relationship between the two collecting units and the reform objectives of the "comprehensive and classified" individual income tax, and draws a conclusion that the "family as a unit" collecting individual income tax is more suitable for the reform objectives of the tax system in China. This paper analyzes the feasibility, difficulties and practical obstacles of the individual income tax levied by the family as a unit. In view of these difficulties and practical obstacles, based on the experience of the United States, Japan and France, this paper summarizes the principles and means of the "family as a unit" in China's taxation, and draws the essence from them. Then, by combining theory with practice, and through simulation case analysis, it is further concluded that the individual income tax levied on the basis of the family is more in line with the principles of "fair tax burden, and the amount of tax payable" and so on. The chapter introduces in detail the idea of tax system reform based on the family as a unit, and puts forward some ideas on the design of tax payers.


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