财政健康度 长期偿债能力 短期偿债能力 公共服务支付能力 一般预算支付能力
Measuring the Financial Health Condition of China's Local Governments: A Study Based on Government's Asset, Liability, Revenue and Expenditure
[1] [2] [3]
XIE Hongtao, CHEN Zhiyong, CHEN Liweie (1.Finance and Taxation of Zhongnan University of Economics and law, Wuhatl, 430073 ; 2. Economies School of Xiamen University, Xiamen
[1]中南财经政法大学财政税务学院; [2]厦门大学经济学院
Abstr:Based on the tinance evaluation fi'amework of local government, ICMA( International City/County Management Association) , this study constructs the financial health evaluation indices system of the local government in China. The financial health evaluation is obtained with the reference to the new financial audit reported by Audit Bureau of the China. 'File evaluation indices system eunsists of four financial dimensions in cash, budget, lung-run and service-level solvencies as well as 16 financial indicators. The results show that the local government liability is mainly caused by land reserve and infrastructure construction. In short term, Jiangsu and Chongqing have a higher risk of accumulated liability. Land-transferring lee can temporarily alleviate the liability risk. But long-term deht-paying ability should rely on the local revenue growth brought by industrialization. Risks involved in budget-paying ability chiefly come from the substantially increasing demand on public services, in particular urban public services because of the demographic changes and the overall request on public service quality. In addition, social insurance budget will also impact future risk Owe In demographic changes. Thus active fiscal policy is indispensahle in rapid urhanization. Restructuring local taxation system involving property tax and individual income tax is very necessary to ensure the w.ell-being of lncal government fiscal syslem.
Keyword::fiscal health condition long-term solvency short-tern) solvency long-term public service solvency gener- al hudget solvency
课题项目:国家社科重大项目“地方政府性债务管理和风险防范研究”(12&ZD047); 财政部、教育部高校共建项目“公共资源出让收益共享制度研究”的资助