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发布时间:2018-10-20 09:03
[Abstract]:By reviewing the development course of our country's personal income tax system, we can find that the core of the reform includes the synthesis of tax base and the synthesis of tax paying unit. The essence of the reform is to add a layer of collection to the current taxable collection. Based on this understanding, we use the recursive dynamic CGE model to investigate the welfare effects of the personal tax reform under the following three scenarios: first, we only integrate the income of residents with tax base. The other is to adjust the tax rate while synthesizing the tax base of residents' income, and adjusting the tax rate while synthesizing the tax base of the household. The results show that both scenario one and scenario two are beneficial to improve income distribution, but also lead to the decline of social welfare level. Scenario three promotes the equalization of welfare and raises the level of social welfare as a whole. From the long-term effect of reform, the welfare effect of scenario III is more asymptotic. If the economic impact of other aspects of tax reform is further considered, the comprehensive advantage of scenario III is relatively obvious, but it also faces the constraints of the reduction of government revenue and expenditure. With the improvement of the ability of tax collection and management and the demand of the reform of market economy for the transformation of government functions, the reform of personal tax in China is facing a rare window period.
【作者单位】: 浙江工商大学金融学院;
【基金】:浙江省哲学社会科学重点研究基地浙江工商大学浙商研究中心项目“企业走出去的国际税收协调及其经济影响研究”(16JDGH124) 教育部人文社会科学研究规划项目“基于税收归宿视角的收入再分配理论与实证研究”(11YJA790036)


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