[Abstract]:Since 1978, China has embarked on the road of reform and opening to the outside world. Since the beginning of 2000, the reform of the treasury centralized payment system has been a fundamental reform of the financial budget management system. As the agency organization of treasury centralized payment, commercial banks bear the functions of accounting, direct payment, authorized payment, dynamic monitoring and so on, which play an important role in perfecting the centralized payment system of treasury. In addition, in the cooperation between banks and the government, the role of banks has gradually changed from simply providing funds storage and settlement services to being government financial package providers, investing and underwriting local government debt, and building infrastructure. The reorganization of state-owned enterprises, government financing and other fields provide strategic direction judgment for decision makers, and coordinate with the government to formulate practical implementation rules, so as to realize the effects of maintaining and increasing the value of state-owned assets and maximizing the financial funds benefit. Therefore, the significance of the research and practice of the cooperation between banks and governments is increasing day by day. Under this background, it is particularly important to draw lessons from the experiences of the developed market economy countries, to broaden the field of the cooperation between banks and governments, and to deepen the path of cooperation between banks and governments. This paper first introduces the basic theories of modern finance, modern treasury management and government cash management, as well as the basic concepts of treasury centralized payment, bank and government cooperation, and so on. Taking the utility of bank and government cooperation in the process of centralized payment of treasury as the starting point, taking the electronic centralized payment of treasury as a key case, this paper systematically introduces the present situation of the development of bank and government cooperation, the main areas of cooperation and the specific mode of development. From the two dimensions of government and commercial bank, this paper expounds the important effect of the cooperation between bank and government and the existing problems from many angles, such as improving the information level of centralized payment of treasury, promoting the level of internal governance of finance, enhancing the core competitiveness of commercial bank, and so on. Finally, the paper puts forward some measures to improve the integration of bank and government cooperation, such as informatization, and extends the attempt of bank and government cooperation to other directions at the same time.
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