发布时间:2018-11-15 20:31
[Abstract]:This paper discusses the relationship between tax radicalization and cost stickiness from the perspective of self-interest of managers. Based on the empirical analysis of China's A-share manufacturing listed companies from 2012-2016, the differences between accounting and taxation are taken as the measure of the degree of tax radicalization, and the cost costs are divided into sales management costs, operating costs and total operating costs. The results show that: (1) the cost stickiness is common in the listed manufacturing companies in our country, (2) the higher the tax radicalization, the greater the cost stickiness; (3) compared with operating cost, the cost of sales and management shows more stickiness when the tax is more radical.
【作者单位】: 河北工业大学经济管理学院;
[Abstract]:This paper discusses the relationship between tax radicalization and cost stickiness from the perspective of self-interest of managers. Based on the empirical analysis of China's A-share manufacturing listed companies from 2012-2016, the differences between accounting and taxation are taken as the measure of the degree of tax radicalization, and the cost costs are divided into sales management costs, operating costs and total operating costs. The results show that: (1) the cost stickiness is common in the listed manufacturing companies in our country, (2) the higher the tax radicalization, the greater the cost stickiness; (3) compared with operating cost, the cost of sales and management shows more stickiness when the tax is more radical.
【作者单位】: 河北工业大学经济管理学院;
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