[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, China's overall national strength has been greatly improved, especially China's economy has achieved rapid development, even in the global financial crisis environment, can still maintain the rapid growth of GDP, has become the second largest economy in the world. Has been the world's attention and recognition. However, with the development of economy, environmental pollution has become a severe test in China. In the face of the conflict between environmental pollution and economic development, the report of the 18th National Congress of 2012 joined the construction of ecological civilization on the basis of "four in one" and formed a new arrangement of "five in one" to realize sustainable development and green development. At the same time, the State Council also mentioned in the "12th Five-Year Plan" that we should gradually realize the change of fees into taxes and give play to the positive tax role of environmental taxes. Therefore, in order to achieve green development to reduce pollution, the implementation of environmental tax policy is very necessary. In this paper, we establish a model to verify whether there is an inverted "U" relationship between economic growth and pollutant emissions, the economic impact of environmental tax and whether environmental tax can restrain pollutant emissions. It is found that there is an inverted "U" curve relationship between industrial "three wastes" and GDP, which satisfies the environmental Kuznets curve hypothesis. Environmental tax has a positive effect on economy, and the economy will grow with the increase of environmental tax. The environmental tax can restrain the industrial waste water discharge, but the collection of the environmental tax has no obvious effect on the industrial waste gas and the industrial solid waste emissions, and does not play the role of reducing the two kinds of pollution emissions. Then, to study the impact of environmental taxes on the relationship between economic growth and pollutant emissions. In this paper, the environment tax is added to the system as a regulating variable to analyze the impact of environmental tax on the whole EKC curve, and to further study the impact of the collection of environmental tax on the EKC curve in different regions. After adding the environmental tax variable, the EKC curve of industrial wastewater moves to the lower left, which shows that the implementation of environmental tax can play a certain role in protecting the environment, which can reduce the discharge of pollutants and promote economic development in the process of economic development. However, the EKC curve of industrial waste gas and industrial solid waste can not be moved downward by environmental tax, which does not reflect the inhibitory effect on the emission of these two pollutants. When we study the effect of environmental tax on EKC curve by region, we find that the EKC curve of industrial wastewater in eastern, western and central regions is moving to the lower left. It is shown that the effect of environmental tax on the treatment of wastewater pollution is obvious, and the EKC curve of industrial waste gas in western China is also affected by environmental tax. However, there is no "U" curve between industrial waste gas and industrial solid waste emission and economic growth in the central region. Environmental tax can restrain environmental pollution and promote economic development. On the basis of gradually transforming sewage charges into environmental tax, other green taxes with environmental protection function should be added to form an independent tax category. Environmental tax has the mandatory tax, and can play a better role in environmental protection and economy. At the same time, the government should also vigorously promote the development and investment of clean technology and promote technological progress, so as to achieve environmentally friendly green production, in order to reduce pollution and achieve sustainable development.
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