[Abstract]:The reconstruction of the local tax system needs to be carried out on the basis of considering the degree of local tax balance. Therefore, it is very important to clarify the distribution of local tax and its coefficient of difference. The analysis shows that the differential coefficient of local tax depends on the type of tax entering the local tax system and its proportion in the local tax. Furthermore, the coefficient of local tax difference under the reconstruction of local tax system is calculated by simulation under the condition that the pattern of central and local taxation remains unchanged. At the same time, based on the tradeoff between simulation results and various factors, it is concluded that the reconstruction of local tax system in China can not simply rely on the local governments' inclination of the VAT share ratio, but it is necessary to assign the vehicle purchase tax and part of the consumption tax to the local government. Then adjust the proportion of value added tax to stabilize the local tax scale.
【作者单位】: 中国社会科学院财经战略研究院博士后流动站;聊城大学电子商务系;
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