[Abstract]:In August 2015, the State Council issued the "Ecological Environment Monitoring Network Construction Program", which requires that the funds should be included in the key guarantee of the financial budget at all levels according to the monitoring authority. This paper analyzes the significance of perfecting the financial guarantee mechanism of environmental monitoring, and suggests that according to the management responsibility and right of public service, the benefit scope of fiscal expenditure, the symmetry of authority and financial right, The principles of responsibility efficiency and other principles are divided into environmental monitoring powers of different levels of government, and the establishment of a perfect system of monitoring funds guarantee standards, the establishment of a full financial budget management security system, and the improvement of the corresponding financial transfer payment system. Improve the financial fund evaluation, supervision and assessment mechanism, and steadily promote the government purchase of monitoring services five measures to improve the environmental monitoring funds guarantee mechanism.
【作者单位】: 湖南省环境监测中心站;国家环境保护重金属污染监测重点实验室;
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