[Abstract]:On February 3, 2015, the State Administration of Taxation issued the announcement on some issues concerning indirect transfer of property Enterprise income tax by non-resident Enterprises (State Administration of Taxation Bulletin No. 7 of 2015, hereinafter referred to as the "7 announcement"). This was issued by the State Administration of Taxation in 2009, "notice on strengthening the Administration of Enterprise income tax on the income from the transfer of shares in non-resident Enterprises" (State tax letter [2009] No. 698). Since the publication in 2011 of the Proclamation on certain issues relating to the Administration of non-resident Enterprise income tax (State Administration of Taxation No. 24 of 2011, hereinafter referred to as the "24 Proclamation"), Another question on the indirect transfer of non-resident Enterprises abroad
【作者单位】: 德勤中国;
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5 滕筱t,