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发布时间:2019-05-10 05:17
[Abstract]:For a long time, the economies of all countries in the world have developed rapidly and people's living standards have been constantly improving, but with the rapid economic growth, environmental pollution, excessive consumption of resources and other problems have emerged in endlessly. This makes people's attention shift from simple development economy to human and nature, environment coordinated development. Under this background, the academic circles have launched the discussion on the green development theory and the sustainable development theory, and the pursuit of green development has become the goal of the economic development of all countries more and more. At the same time of economic development, the environmental problems in our country are particularly serious. In the face of such serious environmental and resource problems, the 13th five-year Plan includes green development in the outline of development, and one of the most characteristic development concepts in the outline is green development. The most significant development goal is the green development goal. Based on the point of view of green development, this paper analyzes the present situation of consumption tax promoting green development in China on the basis of analyzing the related theories of consumption tax and green development, and points out the problems existing in the current consumption tax system in China. Then, drawing lessons from the experience of international consumption tax adjustment, this paper puts forward some suggestions to optimize the current consumption tax system in China. The article consists of five parts. The first part is an introduction, which expounds the background and significance of this study, literature review at home and abroad, the content arrangement, innovation and shortcomings of this paper. The second part first introduces the development of green economy, has a simple summary of green development, and uses Pigou tax theory and "double dividend" theory to analyze the impact of taxation on the environment. The third part mainly writes about the current policy of consumption tax in our country and the adjustment in promoting green development. Through the present situation of consumption tax, it is found that there are the following problems: there are fewer green tax items, and the tax rate design is unreasonable. As a result of these two aspects of the existence of the consumption tax to promote green development function has not been fully played. The fourth part and the fifth part of this paper are the core contents, mainly from two aspects of tax scope and tax rate to introduce the foreign countries' consumption tax in promoting green development function and the reference to the consumption tax reform in our country. Combined with the actual situation of our country, the reform of consumption tax can be carried out according to the restrictive principle, the economizing principle and the comprehensive principle. The fifth part puts forward some concrete suggestions on the consumption tax reform from the perspective of green development, including the suggestions on the elements of the tax system, such as the scope of taxation, the tax rate and the improvement of related supporting measures.


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