[Abstract]:On October 28, 2015, the 2015 working meeting of the editorial Committee of International Taxation was held in Tianjin. Member of the Finance and Economic Commission of the National people's Congress, former Deputy Director of the State Administration of Taxation, President of China's International Taxation Research, Chairman of the editorial Committee of the International Taxation Committee, member of the standing Committee of the National people's Congress, Deng Liping, Deputy Director of the Fujian Provincial people's Congress, member of the academic Department of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, President of the Institute of Financial and Strategic Studies of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Vice President and Secretary-General of the China International Taxation Research Association, Deputy Director of the editorial Committee of the International Taxation Thirteen editorial boards, including Shang Liqiang, president of the China Taxation Magazine and deputy director of the editorial Committee of the International Taxation Journal, and Cai Yu, editor-in-chief of the China Taxation Magazine, attended the meeting.
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