[Abstract]:In recent years, the price of live pigs fluctuates frequently, and the development of pig industry is seriously affected. In order to promote the steady development of pig industry, ensure the legitimate interests of pig producers and consumers, and achieve the balance between supply and demand in pig market, the state has issued a series of regulation and control policies. Sichuan, as the first pig province in China, has played an irreplaceable role in stabilizing the domestic pig market and ensuring the domestic pork supply. Under the current situation of pig industry development, it is necessary to fully understand the propaganda and implementation of subsidy policy among Sichuan pig farmers and scale farmers. In this paper, Sichuan Province is selected as the research scope, on the basis of field investigation, according to the questionnaire survey data and face-to-face interview data, the propaganda and implementation of subsidy policy in pig farmers and large-scale farmers are comprehensively understood, and the feasible solutions are put forward in view of the problems existing in the propaganda and implementation of subsidy policy. At the same time, according to the behavior decision theory, producer behavior theory, public finance theory, Sichuan pig farmers satisfaction with the subsidy policy analysis, according to the feedback of the implementation of the policy, in the formulation and implementation of pig subsidy policy adjustment. After investigation, it is found that there are some problems in the formulation, propaganda and implementation of Sichuan pig subsidy policy. On the basis of studying the implementation status of Sichuan pig subsidy policy, it will be more realistic to analyze the satisfaction of retail farmers and scale farmers with the existing subsidy policy. Finally, from the different perspectives of pig farmers and scale farmers, this paper puts forward reasonable policy suggestions in view of the problems and shortcomings of the existing subsidy policy. At the same time, it helps pig farmers to correctly interpret the current pig subsidy policy, reasonably adjust farmers' own breeding behavior, try their best to avoid breeding risks, and set up reasonable pig market expectations.
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