[Abstract]:At present, the medical and health industry in our country has been continuously improved and improved. With the corresponding establishment of medical and health institutions at various levels, such as hospitals, health centers, community health service centers and clinics, the number of people participating in medical insurance has been increasing. Deep research on various diseases, China's medical information has formed a considerable amount of data; In addition, the medical record information of each hospital is much the same as that of the patient, and the different regions realize and perfect the relevant information system of the Ministry of Health, which not only brings inconvenience to the patient's visit, but also brings inconvenience to the patient's referral, and the scattered medical record is the diagnosis and treatment process of the patient's disease. The lack of continuous records of drug use is not conducive to treatment, and different medical information affects the management and monitoring of major cases. Effective and centralized data play an important role in the process of processing such a large amount of information, so this paper proposes a medical information cloud storage. Cloud storage is a new concept that extends and develops in cloud computing concept. It inherits the virtualization, high reliability, high extensibility and low cost of cloud computing, and builds a cloud storage platform. It can effectively utilize medical resources and share storage information. In this paper, a cloud storage system for medical information is developed using Hadoop,Hive,MongoDB and other technologies as the basic storage system. Hadoop is the most popular open source distributed system framework, allowing users to simply deploy Hadoop clusters to develop MapReduce applications, and to treat Hive subprojects as data tasks. HDFS, is the core subproject of the Hadoop project MongoDB is a NoSQL database based on distributed file storage, which has the functions of node monitoring log management, basic data consistency management and cluster load balancing. It can provide efficient data access and retrieval function, and provide extensible data processing ability, so that the data have a certain data structure but do not need to consider the problem of data pattern, so it is convenient for data slicing and load balancing. Fusion of MongoDB storage and Hive processing is the most important module in this system. By using MongoDB as data input and Hive as data processing, the functions of data input and output, serialization and deserialization must be realized. On the basis of using Hadoop and MongoDB as the underlying storage, this paper also introduces the development of medical information data access layer by Spring Restful, which separates the data storage from the local application of medical institutions at all levels, and provides open interface and security authentication. Transfer data access and security authentication to local application business processes. The system will be divided into five layers: Hive processing data layer, MongoDB and HDFS data storage layer, Restful service data access layer, Nginx access control layer and medical information system application layer.
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