本文关键词:沈阳SJCT机床成套设备公司产品结构优化设计方案 出处:《沈阳大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 《中国制造2025》 机床 产品结构 优化方案
[Abstract]:On May 8th 2015, the State Council issued an important notice on the "made in China 2025" program, which marked the beginning of a new round of industrial transformation in China. Especially, the equipment manufacturing industry represented by the machine tool industry has entered the digital, intelligent, green and network. A new era of flexible integrated industrial manufacturing. China's native machine tool enterprises will stand a great test in this reform; At the same time, for China's native machine tool enterprises, this is also a great opportunity for revitalization. Shenyang SJCT machine tool complete equipment company, which is in the leading position in the field of machine tool production in China. The company has been a great success in its early years, and its products have been well received in the past few years, but under the new national policy, the company also faces new problems and challenges, especially in terms of the company's product structure. Need to explore thoroughly, comprehensive research, its product structure to optimize and perfect. In order to better adapt to the Chinese machine tool market and the tremendous changes in the Chinese manufacturing industry. This paper takes the product structure of Shenyang SJCT Machine tool complete equipment Company as the research object, from the company's history, development situation. In the environment, through the PEST analysis of SWOT analysis, product life cycle theory analysis and other analysis of the current product structure of the company were studied. The result of this paper is to optimize the product structure of the company based on the "made in China 2025" plan and the theory of product and service design. According to Boston matrix theory, the product analysis and positioning of the design scheme. According to the current situation of the company and the design of the program, from the marketing, technology, production and quality aspects of the corresponding safeguards. In order to ensure the smooth implementation of the program. Finally, the conclusion is: through the optimization of the product structure of the company, make the company keep up with the wave of Chinese manufacturing reform. In the future market competition to continue to maintain a leading position. The innovation of this paper is to adapt to the current characteristics of the world and China's manufacturing industry, manufacturing product structure and digital, intelligent. The flexible integration and other new era product features are combined, and the solution is put forward. At the same time, the remanufacturing industry will be introduced into the product structure, making the product structure of enterprises more diversified. It enriches the product structure of modern manufacturing enterprises and provides a reference for the upgrading of product structure of many Chinese manufacturing enterprises.
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