本文关键词: 击剑俱乐部 经营管理 奥运场馆赛后利用 出处:《北京体育大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:This paper takes the management and management status of Beijing Laoshan fencing Club as the research object, mainly through the methods of literature, questionnaire and interview, etc., and makes a research and analysis on the present management situation of Beijing Laoshan fencing Club. In view of the problems in the development of Laoshan fencing club, some suggestions are put forward. Through a comprehensive and detailed investigation of the organizational structure, business model, financing channels and activities of the Laoshan fencing club, The characteristics of the management and management of Laoshan fencing club are summarized as follows: first, the club has "state-owned nature", which is operated independently by non-private enterprises, which belongs to the management center of bicycle fencing of the State Sports Administration; second, the non-independence of the financial management of the club. The club finance is managed by the self-sword center and the operating expenses are allocated by the self-sword center. Thirdly, the age structure of the club members is relatively simple, and the members are mostly primary and middle school students. More than 1,000 members of the club account for 90% of primary and middle school students. Fourth, the development of club members is not continuous. 90% members of the club are students. They only use fencing as a hobby. On the basis of this, this paper further discusses the management and management of the club, the satisfaction of the members, and the use of the Olympic venues. First, the improvement of the satisfaction degree of the member mainly comes from the coach and other service personnel can provide the high quality service for the member continuously; Second, Laoshan fencing club as a typical representative of the effective use of Olympic venues, profit is good, its business model for China's Olympic venues after the use of a useful reference and inspiration; Third, the positive and negative effects of the state-owned investment management mode on the club exist simultaneously, and the club will be faced with the test of reform and market competition from the independent operation of the state-owned institution. On the basis of the above analysis, The suggestions of this paper are as follows: strengthen marketing propaganda, expand the ways of recruiting members, take the initiative to meet the trend of reform, actively deal with the pain of system change, and explore the independent management mode of the club as soon as possible. We should pay attention to the analysis of consumption demand, improve the service quality of the club, enhance the satisfaction of the members, strengthen the management of the club human resources, perfect the salary management and training system, optimize the structure of the coaches, and refine the assessment standards.
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