本文选题:专家面对面栏目 + 农业科普节目 ; 参考:《河北工业大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Both the number of channels and the rating level of agricultural TV programs in China are at a disadvantage in the TV channels, and there are even some provinces and cities where the television channels do not have separate agricultural programs. Especially in the contemporary era driven by commercial interests, with the rapid development of various TV programs such as entertainment, sports, tourism and news, the competition in the television channel industry is becoming more and more intense, restricted by industry and professional characteristics. How to maintain its own development in the fierce competition has become a problem that must be considered at present. From the perspective of the development trend of television programs in various professional directions, the management mode to enhance the competitive power of television programs mainly includes two stages of optimization and adjustment. The first stage is to stand out in the field of agricultural television programs. The second stage is to establish a foothold in the competition of other kinds of programs and to realize stable development. Therefore, the agricultural TV programs should also learn from the operation mode of other programs to achieve long-term development. Taking face-to-face column of experts as an example, this paper analyzes and studies the management of agricultural programs in China. First of all, this paper analyzes the status quo of face to face column management, expounds the development process of face to face column, and analyzes the market demand of face to face column. Secondly, it analyzes the problems of face to face column. Mainly from the column marketing strategy and the operation management two aspects carries on the research, in the marketing strategy aspect the column marketing strategy goal is not clear, the column income generation channel is single, the local countryside market development is insufficient and so on. The operation management mainly includes the insufficient use of the external environment, the lack of column service consciousness and organization construction, and the insufficient combination of the column and the audience. At the same time, the success of foreign agricultural science programs is analyzed. Finally, the author studies the improvement countermeasures of face to face column management of experts, mainly aiming at the problems of column marketing strategy and operation management, and the countermeasures in marketing strategy mainly include based on service and public welfare. Clear marketing strategy goals; based on audience needs, rich column income channels; column management based on local, integrated marketing. In the aspect of operation management, it mainly includes grasping the development opportunity brought by the external environment; strengthening the column team performance appraisal, optimizing the column organization construction; combining the column humanism and scientific nature to improve the ratings.
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