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发布时间:2018-05-18 01:35

  本文选题:枣庄银行 + 市场定位 ; 参考:《哈尔滨理工大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Banks play an important role in the national economic development. They provide financial services for residents, provide economic assistance for the development of enterprises, and provide financial support for national economic construction. In recent years, the sustained and good development momentum of city commercial banks has greatly promoted the development of local economy. City commercial banks have the advantages of fast management and convenient information transmission to occupy the local market quickly and effectively, and form a certain brand and credibility. At the same time, the city commercial banks can make up for the shortcomings of large banks. To alleviate the defects of small and medium-sized financial institutions, to support a large number of innovative enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises, to actively coordinate with the development of local economy, and to provide better support for the steady development of the local economy. However, at present, the trend of homogenization of China's banking industry is particularly prominent. Their market objectives are the same. Large projects and monopolistic banks are the focus of their competition, while the market attention of SMEs is relatively low. In the competition of all kinds of banks, city commercial banks have won a place with their unique market advantages and convenient management services. Based on marketing theory, enterprise development strategy theory and related research at home and abroad, this paper combs the development track of domestic and foreign city commercial banks. This paper summarizes the experience and deficiency in the development of urban commercial banks, and probes into the effective development mode of urban commercial banks. Then taking Zaozhuang Bank as an example, starting from the reality of Zaozhuang Bank, using the theory and method of enterprise management for reference, using various methods to analyze the external environment and internal resources of Zaozhuang Bank, The advantages and disadvantages of the development of Zaozhuang Bank are deeply analyzed by SWOT analysis method, and the bright spots and defects in the development process of Zaozhuang Bank are clarified. On this basis, the strategic goal of the development of Zaozhuang Bank is formulated and the strategic guarantee of the development of Zaozhuang Bank is constructed, and a set of effective development measures are formed, which provide theoretical support for promoting the steady and steady development of Zaozhuang Bank. Based on the case of Zaozhuang Bank, this paper provides advice and advice for the development of the city commercial bank, and analyzes the strategic management of Zaozhuang Bank from various angles, all directions and at different levels. This paper puts forward some feasible suggestions for the development of city commercial banks, and makes some beneficial explorations for the long-term development of city commercial banks.


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