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发布时间:2018-05-25 01:40

  本文选题:HL农业科技示范园 + 休闲农业 ; 参考:《新疆农业大学》2015年硕士论文

【摘要】:休闲农业是传统农业与休闲业的良好结合体,具有特殊的吸引力和市场开发价值。休闲农业可以促进新疆广大农村的经济建设,帮助各族农民群众致富奔小康,休闲农业的发展对于新疆有着格外重要的作用。根据统计,我国各类农家乐的数量已经达到150万家,全国农家乐每年平均接待游客约9亿人次,休闲农业促进了2900多万农民增加了收入。然而,虽然新疆的休闲农业已经有了长足的进展,但实践中也出现了一些问题,主要表现在经营者对于休闲农业的本质认识不清,实践中管理粗放,休闲农业的产品单一等。笔者通过全面分析休闲农业的特点,研究休闲农业游客市场开发理论,以“新疆H L农业科技示范园”为研究主体,展开深入分析,结合“新疆H L农业科技示范园”的实际发展情况,指出其游客市场开发策略方面的不足之处,提出改进游客市场开发的具体策略,希望通过本研究可以为我区休闲农业游客市场开发提供一定参考作用。全文共分为六部分:第一章为绪论部分,这部分的内容主要简述了休闲农业游客市场开发的研究背景及意义。第二章为相关概念与理论基础研究部分,介绍了休闲农业和游客市场开发的相关理论,主要有旅游营销理论、旅游体验理论、旅游市场细分理论和PEST宏观环境分析理论等。第三章回顾和研究了新疆H L农业科技示范园的发展历程和现状,并对其休闲农业游客市场开发策略进行了研究分析。第四章对于新疆H L农业科技示范园休闲农业游客市场开发策略的内外部环境进行了调查研究和数据特征分析,分别从宏观角度、产业竞争角度和市场角度进行了调查和数据分析,为H L农业科技示范园休闲农业游客市场开发策略的分析打下了扎实的基础。第五章分析指出新疆H L农业科技示范园休闲农业游客市场开发策略中的不足。第六章针对新疆H L农业科技示范园休闲农业游客市场开发策略实施中出现的问题,从市场细分策略,目标市场定位与开发策略,品牌建设策略,市场营销策略,产品开发策略,产品定价策略等五个方面提出了改进的对策和建议。
[Abstract]:Leisure agriculture is a good combination of traditional agriculture and leisure industry, which has special attraction and market development value. Leisure agriculture can promote the economic construction of the vast rural areas in Xinjiang and help the peasants of all nationalities to get rich and well-off. The development of leisure agriculture plays a particularly important role in Xinjiang. According to statistics, the number of all kinds of farm music in China has reached 1.5 million, and the average number of tourists in the country is about 900 million. Leisure agriculture has promoted more than 29 million farmers to increase their income. However, although the leisure agriculture in Xinjiang has made great progress, there are also some problems in practice, such as the operators' unclear understanding of the nature of leisure agriculture, extensive management in practice, single products of leisure agriculture, and so on. Through the comprehensive analysis of the characteristics of leisure agriculture, the author studies the theory of the development of leisure agriculture tourist market, taking "Xinjiang HL Agricultural Science and Technology demonstration Park" as the main body of the study, and carries out in-depth analysis. Combined with the actual development of "Xinjiang HL Agricultural Science and Technology demonstration Park", this paper points out the shortcomings of the tourist market development strategy, and puts forward some specific strategies to improve the tourist market development. It is hoped that this study can be used as a reference for the development of leisure agricultural tourist market in our region. This paper is divided into six parts: the first chapter is the introduction part, which mainly describes the research background and significance of the leisure agricultural tourist market development. The second chapter is the related concept and theoretical basis research part, introduced the leisure agriculture and the tourist market development related theories, mainly has the tourism marketing theory, the tourism experience theory, the tourism market segmentation theory and the PEST macroscopic environment analysis theory and so on. The third chapter reviews and studies the development course and present situation of Xinjiang HL Agricultural Science and Technology demonstration Park, and studies and analyzes its leisure agricultural tourist market development strategy. The fourth chapter investigates and studies the internal and external environment of leisure agricultural tourist market development strategy in Xinjiang HL Agricultural Science and Technology demonstration Park. The investigation and data analysis from the angle of industrial competition and market laid a solid foundation for the analysis of leisure agricultural tourist market development strategy in HL Agricultural Science and Technology demonstration Park. The fifth chapter analyzes and points out the deficiency in the development strategy of leisure agricultural tourist market in Xinjiang HL Agricultural Science and Technology demonstration Park. The sixth chapter aims at the problems in the implementation of leisure agricultural tourist market development strategy in Xinjiang HL Agricultural Science and Technology demonstration Park, from market segmentation strategy, target market positioning and development strategy, brand construction strategy, marketing strategy, The improvement countermeasures and suggestions are put forward in five aspects: product development strategy and product pricing strategy.


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