[Abstract]:Tobacco industry is the largest industry in Yunnan province, the most competitive traditional advantage characteristic industry, and the first pillar of Yunnan economy. It is very important to strengthen and enlarge tobacco industry for the development of Yunnan economy. Under the guidance of "to pay dividends to reform", Yunnan Zhongyan Co., Ltd. launched a major reform of "two Unity, two Integration" in February 2014, that is, to unify the marketing, technology development, and brand integration of the two Red groups. Diversity and integration. In terms of marketing, after unifying the marketing centers of the original Hongyun Honghe Group and Hongta Group, the marketing center of Yunnan Zhongyan Co., Ltd. was established, which means that the Yulin cigarette market is no longer the same as it used to be, but rather the brand. The market and so on to rearrange the localization, carries on the reasonable allocation to the resources. In this paper, the macro environment of tobacco industry, the economy of Yulin and the cigarette market are briefly analyzed, and the distribution of the key brand, the competitive situation and the promotion of cloud tobacco are analyzed, and the conclusion is analyzed by SWOT analysis. In order to find out the advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and threats of cloud tobacco production in Yulin, this paper puts forward the marketing strategy of cloud production tobacco in Yulin market of Shaanxi province.
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