[Abstract]:The important mission of power supply enterprises is to maintain economic development and social stability, while the most effective and important part of power marketing management is electricity supervision and management, and the key is to reflect the management level of power supply enterprises. At present, our country is in the period of rapid economic development, the social electricity consumption increases substantially, the social electricity consumption problem is more and more prominent, more and more sharp. Therefore, strengthening the supervision and management of electricity use has become a long-term strategic task and system engineering for power supply enterprises. Since 2010, the State Grid Company has vigorously popularized the power information collection technology, at the same time, the intelligent management concept has been added to the power supervision and management, and the information problem of the power grid has also been solved. It is urgent to construct a new mode of electricity supervision and management to meet the needs of smart grid development. This paper deeply analyzes the current situation of domestic electricity supervision and management, combining with the power information collection system, and based on solving the existing problems of electricity supervision and management, constructs a unified subject database of power supervision business quality control. This paper establishes two core functional modules of business early warning monitoring and business achievement monitoring, analyzes deeply the weakness of power supply enterprises' electricity supervision and management, finds out the way of power supply enterprises' loss of business achievements, and establishes the direction of power supply supervision and control. At the same time, with the help of the key user management module of the power information collection system, the inquiry and analysis model is applied to the daily electricity supervision and control. Finally, taking Qinhuangdao Power supply Company as the module building unit, the actual module analysis is carried out. It is proved that the problems existing in power consumption supervision and management in power supply enterprises can be solved smoothly by means of the power information collection system and the electricity supervision management model based on the electricity information collection, so as to meet the requirements of the electricity supervision and management under the intelligent power grid. Finally achieve the goal of standardizing the electricity market.
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