[Abstract]:With the reform of collective forest ownership system in Hunan Province, the development of Camellia oleifera industry in Hengdong County has entered a new stage, and the local government has issued a series of favorable policies, which has greatly promoted the development of Camellia oleifera industry in Hengdong County. However, there are still some problems in the development of Camellia oleifera industry in Hengdong County, such as extensive management, low degree of industrialization, lack of propaganda and so on. These problems are caused by insufficient investment, relatively backward management and backward science and technology. These unfavorable factors seriously restricted the healthy development of Camellia oleifera industry in Hengdong County. On the basis of reading the relevant documents, this paper makes a field investigation on the relevant departments and enterprises in Hengdong County. Firstly, from the breeding of improved varieties, production scale, processing status, marketing status, business model, The present situation of Camellia oleifera industry development in Hengdong County was analyzed in several aspects of industrial construction zoning. Secondly, the advantages, disadvantages, threats and opportunities of developing Camellia oleifera industry in Hengdong County were analyzed by SWOT method. The main advantages lie in the natural conditions and resource advantages, labor resources advantage, the inferior position is the low yield per unit area, the lack of financing channel, the restriction of science and technology level and service system, the opportunity is supported by policy, and the market demand increases. The threat lies in natural disasters, competition in other Camellia oleifera production areas in the province, and competition in other similar products. Finally, based on the above research results, the countermeasures and suggestions are put forward to help the development of Camellia oleifera industry in Hengdong County: increasing the investment of Camellia oleifera industry, fully arousing the production enthusiasm of forest farmers, strengthening the support of modern science and technology; Support leading enterprises, promote the development of Hengdong County Camellia; accelerate the circulation of woodland use rights; actively expand the market for Hengdong County tea oil sales to find a way out.
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