[Abstract]:With the advent of big data's era, many areas of life have been impacted and influenced by big data. The application of big data, which is based on Internet technology, has gradually had a subversive impact on people's production process and commodity exchange process. The mining and analysis of data is only a technical means of e-commerce enterprises in the whole process of great change, not the whole process of change. As an ecommerce enterprise under the background of big data era, it is the key to improve the core competitiveness and market share of enterprises by using big data. Modern enterprise decision-making is changing from "business-driven" to "data-driven" in the past. The analysis of big data can make more accurate and effective marketing and management model for e-commerce enterprises. However, when studying the management state of e-commerce enterprises under the background of big data, it is found that there are some problems to be solved urgently in the current management mode of e-commerce enterprises. Based on this, this paper will take the management mode of e-commerce enterprises under the background of big data as the research content, mainly carry out a systematic discussion on the problems existing in the management mode of e-commerce enterprises under the background of big data era, and on this basis, put forward targeted and operational improvement measures and management modes, in order to provide reference and reference for e-commerce enterprises in the management mode.
【作者单位】: 河南牧业经济学院物流与电商学院;
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