发布时间:2022-01-20 07:27
【文章页数】:76 页
Chapter Ⅰ Introduction
1.1 Research background and significance
1.1.1 Increasingly fierce competition in milk powder market
1.1.2 Increase market share through innovative marketing
1.2 Research framework and methods
1.2.1 Research framework
1.2.2 Research methods
1.3 Focus issues
Chapter Ⅱ Literature review
2.1 Theories of experiential marketing
2.1.1 Development of experiential marketing
2.1.2 Theoretical framework of experiential marketing
2.2 Theories of interactive marketing
2.2.1 Definition of interactive marketing
2.2.2 Theories of interactive marketing in the mobile internet
2.3 We Chat marketing
2.3.1 Definition of We Chat marketing
2.3.2 Great impact of social media on consuming willingness
2.4 Strategy of market challengers
2.4.1 Definition and characteristics of market challengers
2.4.2 Marketing strategies of market challengers
Chapter Ⅲ Case description
3.1 Company profile
3.1.1 BS Company profile
3.1.2 Introduction to HT brand
3.1.3 Brand structure of BS Company
3.2 Main marketing problems faced by HT Organic formula
3.2.1 Weak brand awareness
3.2.2 Low market share
3.2.3 Lack of distribution of HT Organic formula in offline stores
Chapter Ⅳ Case analysis
4.1 Analysis of target market and demand
4.1.1 The market of infant formula growing in its scale
4.1.2 Demand forecast of infant formula show optimistic trend
4.1.3 The safety of infant organic formula is an advantage
4.1.4 Demand and competition coexist in organic milk powder market
4.2 Competition analysis of Competitors
4.2.1 Introduction to major competitors of HT Organic formula
4.2.2 Comparative analysis of marketing strategies of competing brands
4.3 The competitive position of BS Company and HT in the industry
4.3.1 Necessity for building brand awareness
4.3.2 Advantage of channels has been taken up by competitors
4.3.3 Product taste and solubility have a competitive advantage
4.3.4 Experiential marketing is the chance for HT to develop
4.4 Suggestion of experiential marketing strategy by BS Company
4.4.1 Plan of strategy of experiential marketing based on social media
4.4.2 Process Control and Management of Experience Marketing
4.4.3 Performance Evaluation of Experience Marketing
Chapter Ⅴ Conclusions and implication
5.1 Conclusions
5.2 Managerial implication
Appendix Ⅰ: HT Organic IMF Flavor Test
[1]我国有机奶粉产业发展问题及对策研究[J]. 刘杰平,伍玉涵. 中国乳业. 2017(06)
[2]微信营销模式下消费者感知对其消费决策的影响研究[J]. 张传杰,肖宇,黄颖. 商业经济研究. 2017(03)
[3]微信营销环境下用户信息行为影响因素分析与模型构建——基于沉浸理论的视角[J]. 薛杨,许正良. 情报理论与实践. 2016(06)
[4]区域型乳品企业如何学做市场的挑战者[J]. 林靖. 中国乳业. 2014(08)
[5]顾客价值视角下的体验营销战略[J]. 南洋. 企业经济. 2013(09)
[6]移动互联网环境下互动营销策略对消费者行为影响实证研究[J]. 廖卫红. 企业经济. 2013(03)
[7]品牌体验对品牌忠诚的影响研究[J]. 邱宏亮,吴雪飞,翁栋. 沈阳大学学报(社会科学版). 2013(01)
[8]移动电子商务互动营销及应用模式[J]. 廖卫红,周少华. 企业经济. 2012(03)
[9]基于顾客体验的品牌忠诚提升策略[J]. 许波. 科技广场. 2012(02)
[10]顾客体验:理论渊源、演变及其梳理[J]. 李艳娥. 商业研究. 2010(02)
[1]汽车企业的体验式营销[D]. 王香.青岛大学 2017
[2]体验经济下KL矿泉水公司营销策略研究[D]. 王群壹.西北大学 2016
[3]亨氏联合有限公司婴幼儿食品营销策略优化研究[D]. 钟继军.中南大学 2010
【文章页数】:76 页
Chapter Ⅰ Introduction
1.1 Research background and significance
1.1.1 Increasingly fierce competition in milk powder market
1.1.2 Increase market share through innovative marketing
1.2 Research framework and methods
1.2.1 Research framework
1.2.2 Research methods
1.3 Focus issues
Chapter Ⅱ Literature review
2.1 Theories of experiential marketing
2.1.1 Development of experiential marketing
2.1.2 Theoretical framework of experiential marketing
2.2 Theories of interactive marketing
2.2.1 Definition of interactive marketing
2.2.2 Theories of interactive marketing in the mobile internet
2.3 We Chat marketing
2.3.1 Definition of We Chat marketing
2.3.2 Great impact of social media on consuming willingness
2.4 Strategy of market challengers
2.4.1 Definition and characteristics of market challengers
2.4.2 Marketing strategies of market challengers
Chapter Ⅲ Case description
3.1 Company profile
3.1.1 BS Company profile
3.1.2 Introduction to HT brand
3.1.3 Brand structure of BS Company
3.2 Main marketing problems faced by HT Organic formula
3.2.1 Weak brand awareness
3.2.2 Low market share
3.2.3 Lack of distribution of HT Organic formula in offline stores
Chapter Ⅳ Case analysis
4.1 Analysis of target market and demand
4.1.1 The market of infant formula growing in its scale
4.1.2 Demand forecast of infant formula show optimistic trend
4.1.3 The safety of infant organic formula is an advantage
4.1.4 Demand and competition coexist in organic milk powder market
4.2 Competition analysis of Competitors
4.2.1 Introduction to major competitors of HT Organic formula
4.2.2 Comparative analysis of marketing strategies of competing brands
4.3 The competitive position of BS Company and HT in the industry
4.3.1 Necessity for building brand awareness
4.3.2 Advantage of channels has been taken up by competitors
4.3.3 Product taste and solubility have a competitive advantage
4.3.4 Experiential marketing is the chance for HT to develop
4.4 Suggestion of experiential marketing strategy by BS Company
4.4.1 Plan of strategy of experiential marketing based on social media
4.4.2 Process Control and Management of Experience Marketing
4.4.3 Performance Evaluation of Experience Marketing
Chapter Ⅴ Conclusions and implication
5.1 Conclusions
5.2 Managerial implication
Appendix Ⅰ: HT Organic IMF Flavor Test
[1]我国有机奶粉产业发展问题及对策研究[J]. 刘杰平,伍玉涵. 中国乳业. 2017(06)
[2]微信营销模式下消费者感知对其消费决策的影响研究[J]. 张传杰,肖宇,黄颖. 商业经济研究. 2017(03)
[3]微信营销环境下用户信息行为影响因素分析与模型构建——基于沉浸理论的视角[J]. 薛杨,许正良. 情报理论与实践. 2016(06)
[4]区域型乳品企业如何学做市场的挑战者[J]. 林靖. 中国乳业. 2014(08)
[5]顾客价值视角下的体验营销战略[J]. 南洋. 企业经济. 2013(09)
[6]移动互联网环境下互动营销策略对消费者行为影响实证研究[J]. 廖卫红. 企业经济. 2013(03)
[7]品牌体验对品牌忠诚的影响研究[J]. 邱宏亮,吴雪飞,翁栋. 沈阳大学学报(社会科学版). 2013(01)
[8]移动电子商务互动营销及应用模式[J]. 廖卫红,周少华. 企业经济. 2012(03)
[9]基于顾客体验的品牌忠诚提升策略[J]. 许波. 科技广场. 2012(02)
[10]顾客体验:理论渊源、演变及其梳理[J]. 李艳娥. 商业研究. 2010(02)
[1]汽车企业的体验式营销[D]. 王香.青岛大学 2017
[2]体验经济下KL矿泉水公司营销策略研究[D]. 王群壹.西北大学 2016
[3]亨氏联合有限公司婴幼儿食品营销策略优化研究[D]. 钟继军.中南大学 2010