[Abstract]:At present, many leaders and managers of domestic organizations are keen to use or even create internal competition to motivate their members. This paper points out that although the competition within the organization can produce positive and negative incentives to a certain extent, its negative effect is far greater than the positive one. The negative effects of internal competition are as follows: 1. Internal competition will lead to the increase of confrontation, friction and conflict among the members of the organization, as well as between groups and departments, thus reducing the cooperation and cohesion within the organization. 2, internal competition will lead to the overall productivity or efficiency of the organization decline. 3. The intense internal competition will lead to the tension of interpersonal relationship, the increase of psychological pressure, the decrease of mental health level, the decrease of individual creativity and the hindrance of individual's healthy development. 4, the fierce internal competition will lead to the decline of the overall moral level of the members of the organization. The paper points out that good motivation should be the satisfaction of people's inner needs, and it is a kind of voluntary, happy and active working state, not a forced behavior state. Competition is not an intrinsic need, so competitive motivation is not a good incentive. Wise managers should choose non-competitive incentives as far as possible and avoid or minimize competition among members of the organization as much as possible
【作者单位】: 西南民族大学管理学院 西南民族大学管理学院
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