[Abstract]:In this paper, four cases of the misuse of mathematical methods are put forward, and one example is given in each of the four sections. In the first section, it is pointed out that in order to find out the indexes of productivity and machine utilization ratio in the work management of roving joint, it is not as accurate and easy to calculate directly through the output than to calculate indirectly by the queuing theory model. The second section points out that a batch of European and American experimental design books (3 ~ 8, 20) have a view that "when there may be non-zero interactions, no partial implementation can be arranged", if it is limited to the analysis of variance of the sum of squares decomposition. It is true to estimate the main effect and all levels of interaction; However, this point of view cannot be extended, because it is the partial implementation of the low proportion orthogonal table, no matter whether the interaction is zero or not, is the effective measure and the fundamental means to achieve the relative optimization effectively. The third section points out the irrationality of the design of the orthogonal table Taguchi head and explains the reason why the multi-row factor of the small table can improve the benefit. The appendix to section III indicates that the two design examples are densely distributed and not scattered enough. A fourth example of deviation has been published in advance in (22).
【作者单位】: 中国科学技术大学研究生院
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