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发布时间:2018-02-03 03:41

  本文关键词: 行政伦理 法制化 公务员 行政法制 出处:《内蒙古大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The establishment of the British civil service system provides a scientific blueprint for the establishment of the civil service system. In April 24th 1993, the second executive meeting of the State Council adopted the "interim regulations on State Civil servants", which formally implemented in October 1st, marking the national civil service system of our country. Officially established. However, With the continuous development of the civil service system, many civil servants' behavior is out of order, civil servants' corruption and abuse of power are gradually emerging. Many countries in the world have actively formulated administrative ethics laws for standardizing civil servants' behavior. This paper attempts to supervise and punish the civil servants from the outside, and to guide the civil servants from the inside step by step, in order to form the essence of the internalized administrative ethics spirit. The administrative ethical legislation is not originally created by foreign countries, and the thought of "introducing the rules of courtesies" has already existed in ancient China. Since ancient times, our country has attached great importance to the ethical education, rewards and punishments of government officials. Although there are relevant laws and regulations on administrative ethics formulated by the ministries and departments, the Central Committee and the State Council, there are still many problems. For example, legislation is not systematic enough. There is no special administrative ethics legal norm; many ethical provisions are not high enough to be raised into law; there are more and more regulations on ethics within the Party, but few are for civil servants who are not members of the Communist Party of China. In view of the above problems, this paper is mainly divided into four parts to write. The first part, to explain the relevant concepts, clarify the civil servants, The connotation of administrative ethics and the legalization of civil servants' administrative ethics, summarizing the theoretical thoughts of administrative ethics at home and abroad, providing a theoretical reference for perfecting the legislation of administrative ethics of civil servants in China. Explore its function and value in the field of law. The second part summarizes the existing administrative ethics of civil servants in China's legal provisions, through legislative analysis, In the third part, in view of the problems existing in the process of the legalization of civil servants' administrative ethics in our country, on the basis of drawing lessons from the foreign legal system of administrative ethics, the author explores several outstanding problems existing in the legalization of civil servants' administrative ethics in our country. In part 4th, the author expounds the necessity of constructing and perfecting the legalization of administrative ethics in China. On the premise of drawing lessons from foreign mature administrative ethics legal system and summing up the characteristics of our country's administrative ethics legislation, this paper puts forward some ideas of perfecting the legalization of civil servants' administrative ethics in our country.


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