本文关键词: 正义 政府正义 国家与社会 出处:《中共浙江省委党校》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Justice, as the most basic code of conduct and the pursuit of behavioral value in human society, has different interpretations of the concept of justice in different history and society, and as the supreme concept of political philosophy. This is also one of the focal points of constant concern and controversy. The government justice in the category of justice should be the best condition for the government to distribute the social resources and the interests of the members of the society reasonably. At the same time, it is also a standard to judge whether a series of systems, such as policies and regulations formulated by the government, are correct. The most important value elements of government justice are freedom, equality, fairness, and efficiency. We want to study government justice well. It must be analyzed from the perspective of state-social relations. China is in a period of transition, and the relationship between the state and society is characterized by a "strong state-weak society". How to change the model from "strong country-weak society" to "strong country strong society", the key is to strengthen the society, and to make the social power become stronger, we need a just government to guarantee it. Therefore, "strong country-strong society" is the inevitable choice of Chinese history, and a just government must also step onto the stage of history. Today, China wants to change to a model of "strong country-strong society" under the background of social transition period. There are four basic ways to realize government justice: from the state structure to the strong government, from the social structure to the mass society, from the honeycomb society to the mass society; From the perspective of economic structure: from the government auxiliary market to the government-led market; from the cultural structure: from secular culture to the establishment of socialist core values. The structure of this paper is divided into five parts: the first part: the introduction first enumerates the literature review of justice and government justice. Then the creative significance of this paper includes the source of inspiration and the key points and difficulties of creation. Finally, it lists the research methods of this paper. The second part: enumerates several famous scholars' viewpoints on justice research, classifies justice. Introduction of the concept of government justice. Part 3: nature of government justice and four kinds of state and social relations. Part 4th: relationship between the four elements of government justice and "strong state-strong society". Part 5th: realization of government. The four main paths of righteousness.
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