本文选题:地方政府 切入点:文化市场 出处:《湘潭大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:With the economic development of our country, the cultural market of our country has also developed rapidly. However, the cultural supervision ability of the local government has lagged behind, and it can no longer meet the requirements of the rapid development of the cultural industry. The contradiction between the increasing cultural demand of the people and the supply of cultural products and services is prominent. Therefore, local government cultural supervision departments must innovate their cultural supervision ability and improve the level of public cultural services. In order to promote the development and prosperity of cultural industry and meet the development requirements of large cultural market, this paper chooses the present situation of the local government's cultural market supervision ability and the promotion countermeasure research as the topic, through the combination of theory and practice, To find the strategy to improve the supervision ability of local government culture market with the rapid development of culture market. We hope to promote the cultivation of local government culture market supervision ability in our country. With the development of the cultural market and the change of the government management function, the research on the cultural market supervision is gradually increasing. The related studies mainly focus on the transformation of the government cultural market management function. The construction of cultural market supervision mode and the innovation of cultural market supervision mode have enriched the theory of cultural market management in our country. The research on the ability of cultural market supervision is even rarer. Therefore, this paper focuses on the present situation of the local government's cultural market supervision ability and the countermeasures to promote it. The research idea of this paper is to find out the essence of the phenomenon, from the present situation to the problem and then to analyze the causes of the problems. Specifically, it is to determine the meaning of the cultural market supervision, and to sort out the factors that affect the cultural market supervision. In order to explain the necessity of improving the supervision ability of the cultural market, sort out the relevant theoretical basis, analyze the present situation of the local government's cultural market supervision, and then dig out the problems existing in the cultural supervision ability of the local government. Then we find out the causes of the problems from the aspects of vague regulatory objectives and functions, imperfect regulatory system mechanism, lag of supervision methods and tools, and finally put forward targeted and feasible strategies to enhance the supervision ability of local government culture market.
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