本文选题:兵地融合 切入点:共建城区 出处:《华北电力大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The Xinjiang production and Construction Corps and the local people's government of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous region are two different governing bodies in the same administrative area.How to deal with the relationship between the two is an important problem that needs to be solved in the practice of border area governance. The people's government of Xinjiang Autonomous region and the Xinjiang production and Construction Corps have made exploration and innovation in many aspects around this subject.Based on the brief introduction of the system of cultivation and regional autonomy in our country and the formation and development of the Xinjiang production and Construction Corps, this paper combs the relationship between the armed areas of Xinjiang in different historical periods.Summing up the successful experience accumulated in the practice of military and land integration development, applying the relevant theories of public management to analyze the pattern of military and land integration, in order to integrate the economy and society of the army and the land in Xinjiang, to coordinate the development of towns, to open wider to the outside world, and to equalize public services.The construction of the administrative management system should provide reasonable suggestions, further improve the development model of the integration of the army and the land, strengthen the communication and coordination between the governments of the armed forces and territories, realize deep level and wide field cooperation, and establish the embedded development pattern of the army and the land.Build the core area of the Silk Road to ensure social stability and long-term stability in Xinjiang.
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