本文选题:地方政府 切入点:公共服务型政府 出处:《长春工业大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The transformation of local government refers to the development process of changing the roles and responsibilities of local governments from the control type to the service type and from the economic construction type to the public service type government.Since the 16th National Congress of the Party, the transformation of local government has always been an inextricable proposition in the reform of our administrative system.At present, the construction of public service-oriented local government has become the consensus of the whole society, but because of various reasons objectively and practically, the construction of public service-oriented local government has made some achievements, but it has not really made a breakthrough in many aspects.The transformation of local governments remains fraught with difficulties.Obviously, objective obstacles need to be carefully examined.The purpose of this study is to analyze the obstacles in the transition from local government to public service-oriented government, so as to explore the feasible path choice for effectively overcoming these obstacles and constructing local public service-oriented government.The paper is divided into six parts: the first part is the introduction, first of all, the background and significance of the paper research, domestic and foreign research status quo is summarized, and on this basis, establish the research ideas and research methods;The second part elaborates the related theories, defines the concept of public service-oriented government and interprets the new public management theory, the new public service theory, the public product supply theory and the public governance theory.The third part traces the historical process and development of the transformation from the local government to the public service government from several stages, namely, the control government in the planned economy period, the third part is to provide the theoretical basis for the following writing and analysis, the third part traces the historical process and development of the transformation from the local government to the public service government.The economic construction-oriented government in the early stage of reform and opening up and the public service-oriented government in the socialist market economy put forward that the construction of the public service-oriented government has become the target mode of our government reform.The fourth part summarizes the achievements and shortcomings of the transformation from local government to public service-oriented government, the fifth part is the focus of this paper, that is, deeply analyzes the obstacles of the transformation from local government to public service-oriented government.As to how to overcome these obstacles, it is considered to be the scope of government policy and countermeasure research, which is not the focus of this paper, but the paper also puts forward the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions in the sixth part.In the last part of the paper, the defects and shortcomings of this paper are summarized on the basis of summarizing the previous research, and the prospect of further research is clarified.After thorough and objective analysis, the paper draws the conclusion that there are five main obstacles in the transition from local government to public service-oriented government, that is, the traditional government administration system and ideology.The system of fiscal decentralization between central and local governments, the principal-agent relationship between central and local governments, the problem of "property right region"-administrative "economic zone" in China, the system of public service supply and so on.It is considered that in order to effectively promote the construction of public service-oriented local government, the problems above mentioned above must be solved and overcome, among which the system of fiscal decentralization between central and local governments and the economic problems of administrative regions are the key problems to be solved.
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