本文选题:海事政务窗口 + 窗口管理 ; 参考:《大连海事大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, China has experienced rapid economic growth, and the economy and politics complement each other. As a response to the reform of the economic system, China has carried out a number of large-scale reforms in the field of administrative examination and approval system and achieved good results. Maritime department has assumed the important responsibility of water traffic safety supervision and has been changing its functions to meet the needs of economic and social development. The 18th National Congress made a scientific judgment on the domestic and foreign situation facing China's economic and social development at present and in the coming period, and for the first time made a clear strategic plan for building a powerful marine country. Under such a historical background, As an important force in implementing the strategy of ocean power, the maritime sector is faced with both opportunities and challenges. In keeping with the trend and in order to stimulate maritime vitality, the Ministry of Communications and Transport has put forward the goal of "revolutionizing, regularizing and modernizing" the maritime system, and carried out the "three modernizations" construction activities in the whole maritime system. In order to better serve the economic and social development, create more scientific functions, more optimized structure, the people more satisfied with the service of maritime. As an efficient means of reform, process reengineering is actively introduced into the process of the reform of maritime administrative examination and approval system. It is not only the simplification or reengineering of work flow, but also the linkage or integration of departments based on information technology. It is the whole reconstruction of the implementation idea, the development target, the code of conduct, the governance model and the restriction mechanism of the maritime sector. This paper selects Xiamen maritime government window management as an example, on the basis of full theoretical and practical research on the maritime system government window management, combined with the advanced work experience of Shunde, Ningbo and other administrative examination and approval system reform areas. Drawing on the outstanding achievements of foreign countries on the reform of the administrative examination and approval system and the process reengineering of the administrative service center, the common problems of the current reform of the administrative examination and approval system are deeply analyzed. Analyzing the new direction of the development of administrative examination and approval system under the condition of modern information and communication technology, recognizing the realistic significance of process reengineering for the reform of administrative examination and approval system, and combining the actual business management of Xiamen maritime affairs, Actively broaden the new thinking of Xiamen maritime government window management process reengineering, recognize the necessity of government affairs window process reengineering, and deeply study the internal and external reasons for the bottleneck of current government window management. At the same time, it also judges and selects the path of process reengineering, including the function orientation of the government affairs window, the administration and supervision of the government window, the management system and business process of the government affairs window, the technical support and resource sharing of the government affairs window management. The service consciousness and social evaluation, etc., are put forward for reference, actively promoting the comprehensive and deep development of Xiamen maritime government window management process reengineering, and actively creating the life tree model of information system based on the platform of electronic government affairs. Through system reform and mechanism innovation, we can promote more efficient and more optimized management of Xiamen maritime affairs window, give full play to the enthusiasm and initiative of cadres and workers, create a quick response accepting system, and establish an effective supervision and feedback mechanism. In order to promote the smooth implementation of the whole process reengineering, to promote the reform of the administrative examination and approval system to the deep direction, to realize the overall promotion from the administrative examination and approval to the government affairs service, and to promote the rapid development of the service-oriented maritime industry in an all-round way. To promote the reform of the administrative examination and approval system to achieve substantive, breakthrough results.
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