本文选题:环境治理 + 地方政府 ; 参考:《东南大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the development of our economy and the acceleration of urbanization, the ecological environment is deteriorating day by day, which seriously affects the economic development and social stability of our country. As the executor of public power, local government plays a leading role in ecological environment governance. The local government can fulfill its ecological responsibility and realize the harmonious development of economic growth and ecological environment. Governance and government ecological responsibility have the same pursuit: to realize the maximization of environmental benefits, the implementation of government ecological responsibility needs the support and guidance of governance theory. In the process of ecological environment management, the local governments in our country have some difficulties such as lack of consciousness of ecological responsibility, confusion of ecological administrative law enforcement, single means of carrying out ecological responsibility and so on. The main reasons are: subjective understanding of the traditional ecological concept of misunderstanding, understanding of the scientific concept of development bias, objective reality of the government function positioning deviation, policy implementation is not in place, performance evaluation system is not scientific, The system of public participation is not perfect, and the system of local environmental laws and regulations is not perfect. It is necessary for the local government to fulfill its ecological responsibility by raising the awareness of the ecological moral responsibility of the government, its officials and the public, perfecting the system of local environmental governance system, and realizing the diversification of the means of implementation. By supporting market forces to participate in environmental governance, to provide system and legal protection for the general public to participate in environmental governance, and to safeguard the public's right to know and speak, in order to gradually form a government-led system, The ecological environment governance model in which the public participate actively.
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