本文选题:突发公共事件 + 突发事件 ; 参考:《情报杂志》2017年03期
[Abstract]:[purpose / significance] the mechanism of emergency science popularization oriented to the public opinion guidance of sudden public events is a problem worthy of attention, and the confusion of the relationship between the subjects of emergency science popularization is the main reason for the poor effect of the public opinion guidance of emergency science popularization. Based on the perspective of joint participation of multiple subjects, this paper studies the emergency science popularization mechanism oriented to the public opinion guidance of unexpected public events, and explores the effective way to construct the emergency science popularization mechanism. [methods / process] first, define the concept and analyze the current research situation; secondly, analyze the requirements of constructing the emergency science popularization mechanism oriented to the public opinion guidance of unexpected public events; finally, This paper puts forward the path of constructing the mechanism of emergency science popularization oriented to the public opinion guidance of unexpected public events. [results / conclusion] the emergency science popularization mechanism oriented to the public opinion guidance of sudden public events is organized by the media controlling the communication technology, the provider of scientific information, The management of popular science consists of "emergency science popularization mechanism guided by public opinion under the structure of univariate power". The government and its functional organizations play the role of "science popularization management subject", scientists and professional science popularization organizations play the role of "science popularization professional subject", and the media resources occupying organization play the role of "science popularization media subject". The propaganda organization of political party exerts the function of "leading subject of public opinion" is the path of constructing the mechanism of emergency popularization of science oriented to public opinion guidance of unexpected public events.
【作者单位】: 北京市科学技术情报研究所;
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