本文选题:林业专业合作组织 + 角色定位 ; 参考:《林业经济问题》2016年02期
[Abstract]:Based on the questionnaire survey of 310 members of forestry professional cooperative organizations and government staff in Yunnan Province, the cognitive differences in the roles of the government in the development of forestry professional cooperative organizations were analyzed quantitatively. The empirical results show that there are significant differences between the government staff and the members of the Forest Cooperation Organization in terms of the size of the role of the government, the scope of the actual role of the government and the scope of the role that should be played, the state of the government role, the mode of government management, and so on; The number of years of establishment of forest and cooperative organizations significantly affected the service demand of members to the government, and the variables of organization scale significantly affected the members' cognition of the government management style and its function state. Therefore, the following suggestions should be made: the government should give key support to the organization in three aspects: credit policy, infrastructure improvement and technical training, and the role of the government in different stages of development of the organization should be clearly defined. The government should take different measures of support or guidance in combination with the number of years of establishment and the size of the organization, and in the process of management, the government should neither be absent nor offside.
【作者单位】: 西南林业大学经济管理学院;
【基金】:国家社会科学基金资助项目(14XJY012) 云南省哲学社会科学研究基地项目(JD13YB14)
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