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发布时间:2018-05-12 16:32

  本文选题:薪酬体系 + 乡镇政府 ; 参考:《浙江工业大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The township government is the end of the political power system of our country, and the efficiency of the grass-roots government directly affects the credibility of the government department. However, at present, the salary system is not standardized in the management system of township government, the different posts are not equal, and the unscientific performance appraisal results in the loss of the equal pay and the lack of incentive function, which seriously affects the creation of the service-oriented government. Based on the theories of compensation, post management and performance management, this paper analyzes the status of compensation management of township government, and analyzes the problems of compensation management system and performance evaluation system of Y township government. Based on the practice, the paper puts forward the perfect scheme of compensation system, that is, the salary management system based on post and performance management. In the new system, the compensation is divided into two parts: fixed compensation and floating compensation, and floating compensation is related to position and performance. Firstly, the floating range of post coefficient in post cluster and post cluster is determined, and the coefficient value is determined by post evaluation. Secondly, the performance appraisal system is improved by combining the balanced score method (BSCA) and the key performance index method (KPI). The performance appraisal index is divided into department and individual, and the performance coefficient is formed by evaluating the performance of department and individual. Finally, the floating salary is determined by the base of post performance compensation * post coefficient * performance coefficient. At the same time through the performance appraisal results adjust the next year post, thereby widening the staff promotion channel. The compensation system combines personal position, departmental performance, individual performance and organizational goal four closely, realizes the fairness of salary distribution, promotes the enthusiasm of employees, and promotes the creation of service-oriented government at the same time. Although this scheme is put forward according to the actual situation of Y township government, but because of the universality of its theory, the system has certain reference significance to the grass-roots government organ.


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