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发布时间:2018-05-21 03:18

  本文选题:边疆民族地区 + 民族成员 ; 参考:《黑龙江民族丛刊》2017年06期

[Abstract]:Under the guidance of globalization, in the process of China's modern national construction and multi-ethnic state construction, in the international contacts of "Belt and Road" construction, in the process of new rural construction, urbanization and precision poverty alleviation, The social structure of the borderland ethnic areas has taken place or is undergoing profound changes. As the ethnic members who have settled in the frontier ethnic areas for generations, unprecedented changes have taken place in the background of the grand times. In the context of non-coercive force and non-binding force, under the multi-dimensional vision of others, the identity of ethnic members in the frontier ethnic areas is intangibly transformed between Chinese national citizens, ethnic members, border people, "new people" and villagers of the global village in the new period. The transformation of ethnic membership is the result of the free migration of ethnic members, which has far-reaching significance for the opening up and development of ethnic areas in the border areas. However, the conversion of ethnic membership also brings about cultural invasion by anti-China forces outside the country under the guise of ethnic membership. Social subversion and disruption of frontier areas and other serious threats to the border areas of harmony and stability of the unfavorable factors. In order to consolidate the unity of national governance and border governance, we must take effective measures such as inter-ethnic political integration and cross-cultural integration in terms of politics, economy, culture, law and national feelings. Strengthening the construction of the Chinese national citizenship meta-identity, that is, the primordial hierarchical identity, through a number of paths, and at the same time, To maintain and promote the ethnic identity and other secondary level identity of ethnic members in the ethnic minority areas in the border areas.
【作者单位】: 云南师范大学文学院;


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