本文选题:拉萨 + 社会管理 ; 参考:《西藏大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Since eighteen, the innovation of social management has been paid more and more attention by the government at all levels. As the capital of the Tibet autonomous region, Lhasa's social management measures have a typical demonstration and lead role in the whole region. This paper analyzes the social management measures in Lhasa and tries to find out the existing social management in Lhasa. The problems and the deep reasons behind them, and through the analysis of these reasons, put forward suggestions to improve the innovation work of Lhasa social management in the future, with a view to achieving greater achievements in the innovation work of social management in Lhasa. The writing framework of this article is divided into six main parts: Chapter 1 Introduction: this chapter mainly introduces the background and research meaning of the topic. In the second chapter, the definition of related concepts and the contents and objectives of the innovation of social management in China: the meaning of society, social management, social management innovation and the contents and objectives of the innovation of social management in China. The third chapter of the current stage of Lhasa social management The main measures and results: this chapter mainly introduces the geographical location, administrative division and economic development of Lhasa, and expounds the history and current situation of social management in Lhasa, and then introduces some major measures of social management in Lhasa, namely, the management mode of network grid, the management mode of the civilian police station and the double connection. The model of household management, the temple management model in the new period and the preliminary results of these measures. The fourth chapter of the problems in Lhasa social management innovation: this chapter mainly from the social management concept; social organization; social management innovation quality assessment standard; the level of public service informational; social management talents; public participation degree; religion Seven factors to analyze the deficiency of social management innovation in Lhasa. The fifth chapter to promote the innovation of social management in Lhasa: this chapter mainly from the transformation of the concept of government management, the active cultivation of social organizations; the development of social management innovation assessment index system; innovation of social management innovation with electronic government innovation; and actively cultivate and introduce social management. To encourage the public to participate in the social management fully, to rely on the Tibetan traditional culture, to play the positive role of Tibetan Buddhism, to improve the living environment and to promote the harmonious development of human and nature in the eight aspects. The conclusion of the sixth chapter: this chapter is mainly based on the analysis of the above chapters to draw the conclusion of this article. On the prospect of Lhasa's social management innovation in the future.
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