本文选题:中山市 + 经济发达镇 ; 参考:《广西师范大学》2015年硕士论文
【摘要】:本文试图从管理学的角度,并结合哲学、政治学、法学等学科,以更宽广的视角来研究如何深化中山市经济发达镇改革,从而掌握经济发达镇行政体制改革的特点和规律。作者从2011年中山市经济发达镇简政扩权展开,探索进一步加快中山市经济发达镇行政体制改革的对策。本文主体包括五大部分。第一部分首先介绍了本研究的背景、目的与意义。其次,分析了中山市经济发达镇行政体制改革的现状,并归纳了经济发达镇改革研究的主要学派及学术观点。在此基础上,作者提出了本研究的内容、方法及创新之处;第二部分介绍了本研究的理论基础及深化中山市经济发达镇行政体制改革的意义。第三部分揭露了中山市经济发达镇改革中的深层次矛盾,并从主、客观两方面分析其原因。首先,中山市的行政体制改革实践结果与其目标存在较大差距,主要表现为放权不及时、不到位、方式简单;机构编制匮乏,行政管理人员不足;现行财税体制不完善;镇政府公共服务不到位,规划建设相对滞后;镇政府对社会和市场放权力度不够;缺乏规范有效的自觉性;事权下放工作衔接脱节,部门协作机制扭曲等。其次,作者重点从认知因素、法律因素、镇政府自身因素、管理因素、财力与事权匹配因素等五方面来分析其原因。第四部分主要介绍了山东、江苏、浙江和广东主要经济发达区行政体制改革的经验做法及带来的启示。第五部分作者有针对性地提出五项措施以深化中山市经济发达镇行政体制改革。(一)制订和完善法律体系,使简政放权有法可依;(二)健全简政放权落实机制,保证权力下放到位;(三)构建事财匹配的财政管理体制,提升镇政府公共服务供给能力;(四)统筹改革普遍性和镇区专业性; (五)积极推进相关配套改革。
[Abstract]:This paper tries to study how to deepen the reform of economic developed towns in Zhongshan City from the angle of management, combined with the disciplines of philosophy, political science, law and so on, so as to grasp the characteristics and laws of the reform of administrative system of economically developed towns. In this paper, the author explores the countermeasures of speeding up the reform of administrative system of the economically developed towns in Zhongshan City in 2011, starting from the expansion of the administrative power of the economically developed towns in Zhongshan City. The main body of this paper consists of five parts. The first part introduces the background, purpose and significance of this study. Secondly, it analyzes the present situation of the administrative system reform in Zhongshan economically developed towns, and summarizes the main schools and academic viewpoints of the research on the economic developed towns' reform. On this basis, the author puts forward the contents, methods and innovations of this study. The second part introduces the theoretical basis of this study and the significance of deepening the reform of administrative system in the economically developed towns of Zhongshan City. The third part reveals the deep-level contradictions in the reform of Zhongshan economically developed town, and analyzes its causes from subjective and objective aspects. First of all, there is a big gap between the practical results of the administrative system reform in Zhongshan City and its goal, which mainly shows that the decentralization is not in time, is not in place, the way is simple; the organization is short, the administrative personnel is insufficient, the current fiscal and taxation system is not perfect; The public service of the township government is not in place and the planning and construction is relatively lagging; the township government is not strong enough in devolving power to the society and the market; it lacks the standard and effective consciousness; the work of decentralization is disjointed and the coordination mechanism of the departments is distorted and so on. Secondly, the author analyzes the reasons from five aspects: cognitive factors, legal factors, township government's own factors, management factors, financial resources and power matching factors. The fourth part mainly introduces the experience and practice of administrative system reform in Shandong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Guangdong provinces. In the fifth part, the author puts forward five measures to deepen the administrative system reform of Zhongshan economically developed town. (1) to formulate and improve the legal system so that there are laws to govern the decentralization of power; (2) to improve the implementation mechanism of the decentralization of power from government to government; and (3) to establish a financial management system that matches affairs and finances; To improve the public service supply capacity of the township government (4) to coordinate the reform universality and the township professionalism; (5) to actively promote the related reforms.
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