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发布时间:2018-05-27 00:33

  本文选题:延安市 + 旅游业 ; 参考:《延安大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, with the accelerated implementation of the market economy, China's tourism industry has achieved rapid development, has become an important industry to promote the local social development. As an excellent tourist city and the first batch of historical and cultural cities announced by the State Council, Yan'an has unique natural and red cultural tourism resources. Under the new normal of economic transformation and upgrading, tourism should become one of the important pillar industries. In the past, the government has played a leading role in the development of tourism in Yan'an. In the future, it should also establish a market-oriented development model, give full play to the role of government policy guidance, and continuously improve the level of government public service. Deepening the reform of tourism management system, strengthening the supervision and management of tourism market, strengthening the optimization of government functions, and realizing the sound and rapid development of Yan'an tourism. This paper is divided into six parts, the first part of the introduction, the background and research significance of the topic, domestic and foreign research review, research ideas and methods, as well as the expected objectives of the paper and possible innovation points. The second part introduces the connotation of tourism and the function of government in promoting the development of tourism in China. At the same time, it synthesizes the theory of sustainable tourism and new public management. The third part points out the status of tourism development in Yan'an, and objectively analyzes the present situation of tourism development in Yan'an in recent years by summing up the existing tourist resources in Yan'an. The fourth part is the analysis of the present situation of the government function in the tourism development of Yan'an, and emphatically discusses the existing problems of the government function in the development of the tourism industry in Yan'an. The fifth part is the analysis of the causes of the government functions in the development of Yanan tourism industry, mainly from the view that the macro planning is not scientific and the function of the government is not correct. The causes of the existing functional problems are deeply analyzed in the aspects of imperfect management system and imperfect laws and regulations. The sixth part is the effective path to optimize the function of Yanan city government in the development of tourism. In view of the above reasons, from the establishment of market-oriented development model, give full play to the role of government policy guidance, and constantly improve the level of government public service. To deepen the reform of tourism management system and mechanism, pay attention to the rational development and protection of tourism resources, pay attention to the cultivation and introduction of tourism talents, strengthen the supervision and management of tourism market, and put forward seven concrete countermeasures.


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