本文选题:社会组织 + 政府购买服务 ; 参考:《华侨大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Social organizations to undertake government purchase and other services has become an inevitable trend. This not only reflects the innovation and reform of the government's social management mode, but also indicates the gradual transformation of the government's functions, and the improvement of the government's administrative ability and efficiency. On the other hand, it can fully demonstrate the government's sincerity in supporting social and economic construction and its efforts to equalize public services. At this stage, although the government and relevant organizations are beginning to pay attention to social organizations to undertake the purchase of public services by the government, the work is still in its infancy and fails to play a substantial social role. Therefore, How to ensure that social organizations undertake the specific implementation of government purchase of public services will become an important research topic, in addition, the government, organizations and relevant units must actively participate in it, and continue to work hard for the implementation of the work. The main contents of this study are as follows: the first part is the introduction, mainly discusses the research background of this paper and the significance of this research. The research results at home and abroad, as well as the concept definition and specific theoretical basis related to this subject, the main research contents and the research methods adopted in this paper, may be innovative. The second part is the current situation of Jinjiang city social organizations to undertake the construction of government purchasing service capacity and the specific difficulties, and analyzes the causes of Jinjiang city social organizations to undertake government purchase service capacity construction dilemma; The third part is the domestic and foreign experience, mainly analyzes the domestic and foreign social organizations to undertake government purchase service capacity building experience and the inspiration to our country; The fourth part is to promote and improve the Jinjiang City social organization to undertake the government purchase of service capacity building countermeasures, mainly from the organizational level, institutional level, standardize the public service market system to put forward the corresponding improvement measures; The fifth part is the conclusion part, summarizes the research, analyzes the deficiency of this research, and looks forward to the future research. It is hoped that it can be used for reference in Jinjiang to promote the capacity building of social organizations to undertake government purchase services.
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