[Abstract]:Weibo political public opinion governance is an important part of socialist governance civilization and an important symbol of socialist political modernization. The good or bad governance of Weibo political public opinion is related to the success or failure of political stability, economic prosperity and social harmony in a certain sense. It is also an important symbol of the success or failure of governance ability and the modernization of governance system. At present, network public opinion governance is divided into three types: stability governance, transition governance and rule of law governance. The management of stability is based on the theme of stability, the change of governance is based on flexibility, and the rule of law is based on the constitution. Stability governance can not only bring stability, but also bring the paradox of stability, stability and instability. Transitional governance involves fairness and justice and social risks. Only the rule of law can get out of the dilemma of stable governance.
【作者单位】: 辽宁师范大学马克思主义学院;
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