[Abstract]:Nowadays, the competition in the world is the competition of the comprehensive national strength, and the competition of the comprehensive national strength is mainly the competition of the talented person. The development of the talent resources has become the basic guarantee of the competitiveness of a country or a region. Our country is a multi-national country, although the development of minority talent resources has made great progress since the reform and opening up, it still lags behind the needs of the development of ethnic regions because of many reasons of history and reality. Therefore, the construction of a high quality, large scale, reasonable structure of ethnic minority talents is an important part of China's implementation of the strategy of strengthening the country. The key to the construction of ethnic minority talents lies in making effective countermeasures suitable for the development of talents in minority areas according to the specific conditions of talents development in minority areas. This is also the purpose and significance of this study. This research takes the theory of human resource development as the support, takes the minority talents in Dehong, Yunnan as the research countermeasure, takes the national talent resources development as the focal point, takes the talent quantity, the talented person quality, the talented person structure, the talented person flow as the basic analysis dimension. Take the following three parts as the main content structure. The first is the introduction of the research background, that is, the historical development and achievements of the work of minority talents in China. Based on the analysis of the historical development of the work of ethnic talents in China, the existing achievements and the role of regional promotion, this paper reveals the basic law of the development of minority talents, and explains that talents are the key factors for the progress and development of ethnic regions. Second, as the main research content of "point", that is, the present situation, problems and reasons of the development of minority talent resources in Dehong. This paper first introduces the national talents and their policy guidelines in Dehong from the aspects of talent status, relevant policies and existing achievements, and then analyzes the existing problems and the society that leads to the problems from the basic dimensions of talent quantity, talent structure, and so on. Economic, institutional and educational factors. Third, as a result of the analysis of research countermeasures. In view of the problems existing in the development of ethnic talent resources, this paper puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions, such as strengthening the construction of national talents' work, innovating the system of ethnic talents, and optimizing the environment of ethnic talents.
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