[Abstract]:The center of China's border administration is not in the center of China, nor in the border area of China, but in the passageway of China. The geographical passageway zone is made up of the Great Wall, the Silk Road and the Tibetan and Yi Corridor, mixed with the Mongolian Plateau in the north, the Gobi Oasis in the western desert, and the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in the southwest. Eastern Plain region and other four ecological and cultural areas in China between the agricultural and pastoral mixed zone. From a horizontal point of view, the passageway zone connects the four major ecological and cultural areas in China; from a vertical perspective, Chinese ancestors originated in the passageway zone, developed and expanded around it, and formed the Chinese frontier; from the perspective of the relationship between the Chinese center and the frontier, The passageway zone is the tie of the game between the Chinese frontier and the central converging and centrifugal forces. When China's border areas are faced with many problems today, the role of the channel zone in attracting and condensing the interior, the role of the external bridge, and the source and crux of the specific problems of the frontier can not be ignored.
【作者单位】: 兰州大学西北少数民族研究中心、中国边疆安全研究中心;
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