发布时间:2018-09-18 18:19
【摘要】:处于高速发展与转型期的中国面临着众多突如其来的“天灾”与“人祸”。近年来,突发性公共事件频发,严重地危害了公共安全与社会稳定。进入互联网时代,网络已成为公众意见喷涌的主要渠道。突发性公共事件爆发后,网民会通过信息传递、网络恶搞、人肉搜索、虚拟集会等互动方式把分散的公共意见汇聚成一股强大的舆论力,影响着事件的发展与演变进程。网络具有更深远、更广泛的影响力,与传统媒介相比,产生了“放大效应”。探讨了在突发性公共事件中,网络对事件的放大作用,重点思考产生这种放大作用的机制。共分为五个章节展开研究。 第一章为研究绪论部分,为研究的展开奠定基础,分别交代了本课题的研究背景、目的、意义,归纳了国内外关于此课题的研究现状,并对重点研读的文献资料进行解读,指出本研究采用的研究方法与思路,说明了研究的创新点与难点。 第二章对核心概念与理论基础做了梳理:剖析研究中涉及的“突发性公共事件”、“风险”、“公共危机”等关键概念。解析了网络时代突发性公共事件的现状:从当前中国社会风险的发生现状与突发性公共事件产生原因两个角度探讨突发性公共事件的发生;重点指出突发性公共事件具有突发性与紧迫性、危害性与破坏性、公共性与敏感性、关联性与非常规性等特征。深入剖析了“网络舆论”的内涵及其构成要素,重点分析网络舆论具有的特点;交代整个研究以“风险社会理论”、“社会燃烧理论”、“公共危机治理理论”为理论基础。 第三章分析了网络舆论在突发性公共事件中产生的“放大效应”。交代了突发性公共事件已经成为网络舆论的热点,从网络传播与现实工作两个方面思考其产生的原因;从放大了公众话语权、扩大了公众知情权、放大了内容本身、增加了传播渠道、放大了传播效果五个方面,指出“网络放大效应”的具体表现;基于对角色、途径、行为的思考,探讨突发性公共事件在网络中运行的基本模式:通过发帖促使话题产生,通过评论促使话题深化、舆论生成,通过转发不断扩大话题影响范围及影响力,通过置顶实现意见领袖的主导,通过媒体复合式报道最终促使突发性公共事件在网络上引发一场“全民狂欢”。基于对“网络放大效应”表现的分析,有针对性地从对事件本身的放大作用、对社会风险的放大作用、产生的积极影响三个方面思考网络舆论在突发性公共事件中的放大作用。 第四章对促使网络产生“放大效应”的特殊因素进行了分析。交代了推动“放大效应”生成的特殊网络角色:意见领袖与网络推手;指出催生“放大效应”产生的特殊网络途径:网络恶搞与人肉搜索;点出催化“放大效应”产生的特殊网络行为:网络谣言与网络暴力。 第五章从各个维度探讨了促使基于网络平台传播的突发性公共事件的放大作用的机制。从“蝴蝶效应”角度,思考了促使放大效应产生的信息扩散机制;从“从众效应”角度,分析了推动放大效应生成的心理驱动机制;从“社会传染效应”角度,思考网民情绪生成的机制;从“群体极化”的角度,探索网络意见是如何形成的;从“公共舆论效应”的视角,剖析了“舆论倒逼”的生成机制;从“刻板印象”的角度,分析出公众对风险的认知机制。 突发性公共事件带来社会风险与危害,在网络时代,此类事件一旦发生,会在网络上引起“轩然大波”,影响事件的发展与演变。本研究从各个维度探讨网络对突发性公共事件产生的“放大效应”,并思考“放大效应”是如何产生的及其应对措施。对本研究的开展,既丰富了网络舆论方面的研究,又具有很强的现实意义。
[Abstract]:In the period of rapid development and transformation, China is faced with many sudden "natural disasters" and "man-made disasters". In recent years, sudden public events have occurred frequently, seriously endangering public safety and social stability. In the Internet era, the Internet has become the main channel for public opinion to gush. After sudden public events, Internet users will pass. Information transmission, network spoof, human flesh search, virtual gathering and other interactive ways gather dispersed public opinions into a powerful force of public opinion, affecting the development and evolution of events. The magnifying effect of collaterals on events is studied in five chapters.
The first chapter is the introduction part of the study, which lays the foundation for the study. It respectively explains the research background, purpose and significance of this topic, summarizes the research status of this topic at home and abroad, and interprets the key research literature, points out the research methods and ideas adopted in this study, and explains the innovation and difficulties of the study.
In the second chapter, the core concepts and theoretical basis are sorted out: the key concepts of "sudden public event", "risk" and "public crisis" involved in the study are analyzed. This paper probes into the occurrence of unexpected public events, emphatically points out that unexpected public events have the characteristics of unexpectedness and urgency, harmfulness and destructiveness, publicity and sensitivity, relevance and unconventionality. It is based on "risk society theory", "social combustion theory" and "public crisis governance theory".
The third chapter analyzes the "amplification effect" of the network public opinion in the sudden public events, and explains that the sudden public events have become the hotspot of the network public opinion. The dissemination channel enlarges five aspects of the dissemination effect, and points out the concrete manifestation of the "network amplification effect"; based on the thinking of the role, the way and the behavior, discusses the basic mode of the operation of public emergencies in the network: through posting to promote the emergence of topics, through commenting to promote the deepening of topics, through the generation of public opinion, through forwarding to expand constantly. Topic influence and influence, through the top to achieve the opinion leader's leadership, through the media composite coverage eventually led to public emergencies on the network triggered a "national carnival." Based on the analysis of the "network amplification effect" performance, targeted from the magnification of the event itself, the magnification of social risk. We should consider the three aspects of the positive impact of network public opinion on the amplification of unexpected public events.
Chapter 4 analyzes the special factors that promote the network to produce "amplification effect". It explains the special network roles that promote the generation of "amplification effect": opinion leaders and network pushers; points out the special network ways that promote the "amplification effect": network pranks and human flesh search; and points out the catalytic "amplification effect". Special network behavior: Internet rumors and cyber violence.
The fifth chapter discusses the amplification mechanism of sudden public events based on the network platform from each dimension. From the angle of "butterfly effect", it considers the information diffusion mechanism which promotes the amplification effect; from the angle of "herd effect", it analyzes the psychological driving mechanism which promotes the amplification effect; and from the angle of "social communication" From the perspective of "contamination effect", this paper considers the mechanism of netizens'emotional generation, explores how network opinions are formed from the perspective of "group polarization"; analyzes the generation mechanism of "public opinion retrogression" from the perspective of "public opinion effect"; and analyzes the public's cognitive mechanism of risk from the perspective of "stereotype".
Emergency public events bring about social risks and hazards. In the network age, once such events happen, they will cause a "great disturbance" on the network, which will affect the development and evolution of the incident. The development of this study not only enriches the study of network public opinion, but also has a strong practical significance.
[Abstract]:In the period of rapid development and transformation, China is faced with many sudden "natural disasters" and "man-made disasters". In recent years, sudden public events have occurred frequently, seriously endangering public safety and social stability. In the Internet era, the Internet has become the main channel for public opinion to gush. After sudden public events, Internet users will pass. Information transmission, network spoof, human flesh search, virtual gathering and other interactive ways gather dispersed public opinions into a powerful force of public opinion, affecting the development and evolution of events. The magnifying effect of collaterals on events is studied in five chapters.
The first chapter is the introduction part of the study, which lays the foundation for the study. It respectively explains the research background, purpose and significance of this topic, summarizes the research status of this topic at home and abroad, and interprets the key research literature, points out the research methods and ideas adopted in this study, and explains the innovation and difficulties of the study.
In the second chapter, the core concepts and theoretical basis are sorted out: the key concepts of "sudden public event", "risk" and "public crisis" involved in the study are analyzed. This paper probes into the occurrence of unexpected public events, emphatically points out that unexpected public events have the characteristics of unexpectedness and urgency, harmfulness and destructiveness, publicity and sensitivity, relevance and unconventionality. It is based on "risk society theory", "social combustion theory" and "public crisis governance theory".
The third chapter analyzes the "amplification effect" of the network public opinion in the sudden public events, and explains that the sudden public events have become the hotspot of the network public opinion. The dissemination channel enlarges five aspects of the dissemination effect, and points out the concrete manifestation of the "network amplification effect"; based on the thinking of the role, the way and the behavior, discusses the basic mode of the operation of public emergencies in the network: through posting to promote the emergence of topics, through commenting to promote the deepening of topics, through the generation of public opinion, through forwarding to expand constantly. Topic influence and influence, through the top to achieve the opinion leader's leadership, through the media composite coverage eventually led to public emergencies on the network triggered a "national carnival." Based on the analysis of the "network amplification effect" performance, targeted from the magnification of the event itself, the magnification of social risk. We should consider the three aspects of the positive impact of network public opinion on the amplification of unexpected public events.
Chapter 4 analyzes the special factors that promote the network to produce "amplification effect". It explains the special network roles that promote the generation of "amplification effect": opinion leaders and network pushers; points out the special network ways that promote the "amplification effect": network pranks and human flesh search; and points out the catalytic "amplification effect". Special network behavior: Internet rumors and cyber violence.
The fifth chapter discusses the amplification mechanism of sudden public events based on the network platform from each dimension. From the angle of "butterfly effect", it considers the information diffusion mechanism which promotes the amplification effect; from the angle of "herd effect", it analyzes the psychological driving mechanism which promotes the amplification effect; and from the angle of "social communication" From the perspective of "contamination effect", this paper considers the mechanism of netizens'emotional generation, explores how network opinions are formed from the perspective of "group polarization"; analyzes the generation mechanism of "public opinion retrogression" from the perspective of "public opinion effect"; and analyzes the public's cognitive mechanism of risk from the perspective of "stereotype".
Emergency public events bring about social risks and hazards. In the network age, once such events happen, they will cause a "great disturbance" on the network, which will affect the development and evolution of the incident. The development of this study not only enriches the study of network public opinion, but also has a strong practical significance.
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