[Abstract]:In September 2014, the Ministry of Civil Affairs issued ministerial decree No. 53, promulgating the Measures for the Service and Management of Retired Military Cadres. The Measures clarify several basic points of the current service and management of military retirement, which can be divided into six parts: general principles, service and management contents, service and management methods, service management institutions, service and management personnel and appendices. Previously, Guilin Municipal Army Retired Service Management Organization has made some achievements in carrying out service management, maintaining the ideological stability of retired military cadres and guaranteeing their old life, but there are still some problems, including the implementation of retired military cadres'"living treatment" is not in place, backward service management methods, service management personnel. Therefore, through literature analysis and interviews, this paper obtains first-hand information and real opinions, analyzes the problems in daily management of military rest services in Guilin City, causes and solutions. After the current situation of service management, this paper points out four problems in service management of Guilin military retirement service management institutions: first, the inadequate living benefits of retired military cadres; second, the management mode of military retirement service management institutions is too single; third, the service level of the existing military retirement service management institutions is low; fourth, the service level of the existing military retirement service management institutions is low; To sum up, the above four problems are caused by the following reasons: First, the influence of the omnipotent government. Under the background of the omnipotent government, the government departments (in this paper refers to the military retirement service management agencies) take a big responsibility for all matters and grasp the distribution of resources. Second, the bureaucracy of Guilin's military retirement service and management institutions is serious. Third, the development of social organizations is not good. It is manifested in the lack of policy support for social organizations and the limited investment in purchasing social organizations services. The reasons are as follows: Firstly, using the theory of public governance to analyze the negative impact of the omnipotent government and propose the construction of a service-oriented government. The main way is to form a pattern of coordinated social governance. Among them, the concrete way to form social coordinated governance is to establish a multi-center governance system and autonomous grid management. The second is to gradually eliminate the bureaucratic color in Guilin's military retirement service management institutions. Third, Guilin Municipal Army Rest Service Management Institutions should enhance the cultivation of social organizations. The specific approach is to increase the level of policy support and capital investment. In order to make better use of social resources, enrich the service content, broaden the service field, improve the service quality, innovate the management mode of military retirement service, implement the "two benefits" of military retired cadres, and realize the "six veterans" goal as soon as possible.
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