[Abstract]:The 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out clearly, "innovating the administrative management mode, improving the government's credibility and executive power, and promoting the government's performance management." Strictly control the establishment of the organization, reduce the number of leadership positions, reduce administrative costs. It can be seen that administrative cost control and the construction of government credibility are hot issues that need to be studied in today's society. Since the reform and opening up, with the development of economy and the transformation of society, the pace of democratization in our country has been quickened, and the sense of ownership of the masses has been gradually strengthened, which has put forward higher demands on the administrative ability of the government. However, due to the lack of consciousness, imperfect system, imperfect organization and other factors, the incidents of government dishonesty occur frequently, and the government faces a crisis of trust, which will directly affect the administrative efficiency of the government, social harmony and stability. And even the international status of the country. Government credibility, as an intangible asset, is an important prerequisite for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. From the angle of government administrative cost control, this paper provides a new perspective for the research of government credibility construction. First of all, the article briefly expounds the related concepts of administrative cost and government credibility, and then analyzes the intrinsic convergence of the two from three aspects: value, theory and practice. Secondly, it analyzes the current situation and reasons of our government's credibility and administrative cost in detail. Finally, from the angle of administrative cost, the paper puts forward the corresponding countermeasures to solve the problem of government credibility.
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