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发布时间:2018-11-08 07:23
[Abstract]:In the context of the construction of new urbanization, as the key planning object of new urbanization in Wuhan, the six major new urban areas of Wuhan have more new tasks in the management of township construction. More perfect construction management institutions are needed to ensure the implementation of relevant construction tasks. At present, the establishment mode of township construction and management organization in Xincheng District of Wuhan has not only left many problems in the reform mode of "raising things with money" in Hubei Province, but also in the process of exploring the reform of township construction management organization in Wuhan City in recent years. Although some achievements have been made, many new contradictions have emerged, which have seriously hindered the development of township construction and are in urgent need of solution. Based on the theory of new public service, the theory of marketization of public service, the theory of government purchase, and the actual demand of construction and management of villages and towns in Xincheng District of Wuhan, Based on the investigation of the establishment of township construction and management institutions in six new urban areas of Wuhan, the paper summarizes the three models and their characteristics of the establishment of township construction management institutions in the new urban areas at present. In view of the problems existing in the establishment of the current construction management organization, such as the confusion and implementation of the organizational setup, the ambiguity of responsibilities, the imbalance of power and responsibility, the bad operation of the organization and the staffing, and so on, Deep analysis of its causes: the establishment of construction management institutions lack of "up and down linkage mechanism"; Lack of important participants, imperfect feedback mechanism, unreasonable use of market mechanism. At the same time, on the basis of drawing lessons from the reform cases of township construction management institutions in various parts of Hubei Province, this paper optimizes the establishment mode of township construction management institutions in Xincheng District of Wuhan City: first, make clear the objectives of setting up institutions. The functions of township construction management should be clarified by combining the investigation and investigation as well as the guidance of Wuhan Construction Committee. Secondly, the construction management organization should be set up according to the function division, and the operation relationship should be straightened out. Finally, the establishment mode of the township construction management institution of "Construction Management Office Service Center" should be optimized. The model continues the idea of introducing the market mechanism into the "raising things with money" model, but excludes the incomplete parts of the previous reforms, especially where the use of the market mechanism is not reasonable. Emphasis is placed on the use of marketization in the field of public service in township construction and management, so as to give full play to the role of competitive mechanism. In addition, combined with the views of the central authorities on strengthening the capacity building of township government services, this paper also puts forward the following suggestions: strengthening the supervision of the implementation of the organization, giving support to the district government, and establishing the management structure of the township construction in the new urban area of Wuhan. Some suggestions are put forward, such as establishing multiple supply mechanism of public service in township construction management and expanding the scope of purchasing construction management service. Finally, it is pointed out that the research in this paper is carried out on the basis of combining theory with practice, which has practical significance and certain guiding significance, but in the face of the future development, the management organization of township construction still needs to be perfected continuously.


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