[Abstract]:Urban public transport mainly includes mass transit and conventional public transport, in which the main body of public transport is the focus of the development of urban public transport. Urban public transport is an important project of people's livelihood and an important symbol to measure the degree of urban economic development, the level of science and technology and the degree of urban modernization. Its basic task is to provide economic, fast and safe for the society. Convenient urban passenger service. At present, the urban bus traffic management system still follows the traditional planned economy management mode, which can not meet the requirements of the rapid development of the urban public transport market, so it needs to be reformed. Successful urban public transport can not be separated from good management. At present, the existing laws and regulations in management are not perfect, the division of departments, the division of industries, the problems of market supervision and so on are all related to the continuation of the traditional superimposed management system. The management system of urban public transport has become a key and difficult problem in the development of urban public transport. Based on the concept and characteristics of urban public transport system and the connotation and related concepts of urban public transport management system, this paper expounds the historical evolution of urban public transportation management system. Secondly, the present situation of urban public transport management system is investigated, and the management organization, policies and regulations, market operation, main problems and development trends of the current urban public transport management system are analyzed. The necessity and inevitability of the reform of urban public transportation management system and the environment of reform and development are analyzed. Thirdly, from the perspective of administrative institutions, policies and regulations, enterprise management mechanism, and so on, to learn from the experience of other countries or regions of urban public transport management system and the successful practices of domestic reform of leading cities. Thus, the enlightenment to the reform of urban public transport management system in China is obtained. In addition, on the basis of expounding the theory of urban public transport management function, this paper studies the reform scheme of urban public transport management system, and puts forward the overall framework of constructing and forming a more perfect urban public transport management system. And the urban public transport market mechanism reform program.
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