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发布时间:2018-12-07 16:36
[Abstract]:The power list system is one of the ways to regulate the operation of power. With the "decision of the CPC Central Committee on comprehensively promoting the Rule of Law on several important issues" adopted by the fourth Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, it was clearly stated that "the system of government power list shall be carried out and the space for rent-seeking under power to be set up shall be resolutely eliminated." The construction of the power list system has become an important measure to construct the government ruled by law, to transform the government function and to promote the modernization of the national governance system and governance ability. This system has gradually entered the public view, from the practice of the list of power system to the direction of development has become a hot topic of academic discussion. In this paper, the author discusses the logic clue of the basic theory of power list-the existing problem, the cause of the problem and the choice of the path. First of all, the domestic and foreign documents on the power list system are sorted out, forming a whole understanding; Secondly, it expounds the concept and connotation of the research content, discusses the power list system by using the power restriction theory, the limited government theory and the transparent government theory, combined with the empirical analysis. Literature research and functional analysis; Under the support of the theory, according to the implementation of the power list system of various local governments in the country, the problems existing in the practice process are studied, and the construction and implementation of the system are analyzed and summarized. On this basis, the causes of the problems are analyzed through surface phenomena. Finally, from perfecting the contents of the power list system and standardizing the procedural construction of the power list system, Strengthening the supporting safeguard mechanism of the power list system and strengthening the moral education of the behavior subject of the power list system put forward the corresponding solutions to the perfection of the power list system. The power list system is a necessary measure to deepen the reform of the administrative system. It can not only regulate the operation of the power, but also realize the openness of the power by sorting out the boundary of the power, and make it convenient for the public to supervise the administrative power. Through the study, it is found that the local government power list system in the construction and implementation of deficiencies, from the point of view of system construction, the relevant laws and regulations of the power list system is not perfect, leading to the establishment of the main unreasonable. The randomness of the procedure and the lack of unity of the content make it the key to improve the content of the power list system and to strengthen the procedural construction; From the point of view of system implementation, its problems are the negative response of the subject of system behavior, the narrow coverage of the system and the slow renewal of the information platform supporting the system. The reason is that the supporting safeguard mechanism of the power list system is not perfect, through cultivating the public participation consciousness, connecting the power list with the responsibility list organically, trying to publish the civil rights list, and improving the performance of the power list system in the practice process. At the same time, the full use of information tools, in the open information system to achieve power in the sun. The construction and implementation of institution are closely related to the subject of institutional behavior. From the point of view of ethics, the thesis solves the power conflict between "top-down" and "bottom-up" by strengthening moral education of the subject of institutional behavior. The conflict of interest between "public demand" and "individual demand" and the conflict of roles between "administrative person" and "economic person" ensure that the system acts according to the right of single use, and makes the power list system play a real role. To realize the effective restriction and supervision of power.


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