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发布时间:2019-02-09 17:52
【摘要】:宗教作为一种社会文化现象,具有深厚的历史与文化根源,并深深影响着人类社会的发展和演变。从个人层面看,宗教信仰能够影响一个人的思想认识、价值理念和生活方式;从社会层面看,宗教的健康有序发展,能够激活在广大信众中蕴藏的正能量,促进经济社会发展。反之,如果宗教极端主义思想和宗教无序发展得不到有效的引导与控制,则不仅严重干扰社会秩序和人类的正常生产生活,更容易引发激烈的社会动荡和恐慌。宗教事务管理古已有之,我国的宗教事务管理制度更是源远流长,如北魏时期就有了专管佛教的昭玄寺和严密的僧职系列管理制度,明朝在中央设置僧录司处理全国僧务,民国时期即有专门的《寺庙登记条例》和《喇嘛转世办法》。新中国以来,在深刻总结宗教“五性”的基础上,以宗教信仰自由和依法管理宗教事务为基础,建立了一整套较为系统完善的宗教事务管理制度,在规范宗教秩序、促进宗教健康发展中发挥了积极的作用。 东营市作为黄河三角洲的中心城市,辖区内具有“地方、胜利油田、济军生产基地相互交融”的独特市情。自1983年建市以来,东营市深入贯彻落实党的宗教信仰自由政策,不断完善宗教事务管理的体制机制,积极推进全市宗教事务管理的法治化与规范化,促进了全市五大宗教的健康发展以及和谐宗教关系的建立。伴随着对外改革开放的扩大和社会结构的快速变革,东营的宗教发展呈现出许多新的特点,为宗教事务管理提出了许多新的挑战,本文立足东营实际,,对东营市宗教事务管理现状和存在问题进行了剖析,对新形势下优化宗教事务管理体制进行了探讨。 全文分为五章,第一章简要介绍了选题的背景、意义和国内外研究现状,明确了文章的研究目的、思路、创新点。第二章梳理了宗教、宗教事务管理等相关概念,指明了宗教事务管理模式和完善宗教事务管理的必要性。第三章阐述了东营市宗教发展和宗教事务管理的现状,归纳了现行宗教事务管理模式效果和面临的挑战。第四章对全市宗教事务管理存在的主要问题进行原因分析,主要是立法不完善、宗教执法难、“宗教热”等因素。第五章提出了加强完善东营市宗教事务管理的具体对策建议。
[Abstract]:As a social and cultural phenomenon, religion has profound historical and cultural roots, and deeply affects the development and evolution of human society. From a personal perspective, religious belief can affect a person's ideological understanding, value concept and way of life; from the social level, the healthy and orderly development of religion can activate the positive energy contained in the broad masses of believers and promote economic and social development. On the other hand, if religious extremist thoughts and religious disorderly development cannot be effectively guided and controlled, it will not only seriously interfere with the social order and the normal production and life of human beings, but also lead to violent social unrest and panic. Religious affairs management has existed in ancient times, and the religious affairs management system in our country has a long history. For example, in the Northern Wei Dynasty, there was a special Buddhist Zhaoxuan Temple and a strict management system for the series of monks' posts. In the Ming Dynasty, a Sangha Records Department was set up at the central level to handle the national monk affairs. In the period of the Republic of China, there were special regulations on the registration of monasteries and measures for the reincarnation of lamas. Since the beginning of New China, on the basis of a profound summary of the "five characteristics" of religion, and on the basis of freedom of religious belief and the management of religious affairs according to law, a set of relatively systematic and perfect systems for managing religious affairs have been established to standardize religious order. It has played an active role in promoting the healthy development of religion. As the central city of the Yellow River Delta, Dongying City has a unique market situation of "local, Shengli oil field, Jijun production base intermingled". Since the establishment of the city in 1983, Dongying has thoroughly implemented the party's policy on freedom of religious belief, continuously improved the institutional mechanism for the management of religious affairs, and actively promoted the legalization and standardization of the management of religious affairs in the whole city. Promote the healthy development of the five major religions and the establishment of harmonious religious relations. With the expansion of foreign reform and opening up and the rapid transformation of social structure, the religious development of Dongying presents many new characteristics, and puts forward many new challenges for the management of religious affairs. This paper analyzes the present situation and existing problems of the management of religious affairs in Dongying city, and probes into the optimization of the management system of religious affairs under the new situation. This paper is divided into five chapters. The first chapter briefly introduces the background, significance and current situation of research at home and abroad, and clarifies the purpose, train of thought and innovation of the article. The second chapter combs the related concepts of religion and religious affairs management and points out the mode of religious affairs management and the necessity of perfecting religious affairs management. The third chapter expounds the present situation of the religious development and the management of religious affairs in Dongying City, and summarizes the effect of the current religious affairs management model and the challenges it faces. The fourth chapter analyzes the main problems existing in the administration of religious affairs in the whole city, such as imperfect legislation, difficult law enforcement of religion, "religious fever" and so on. The fifth chapter puts forward the concrete countermeasures and suggestions to strengthen the management of Dongying's religious affairs.


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